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3 or 3 pence ?


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We came across a little bag containing some old coins today from the 1920's to 40's.today when I was being a nosey bugger ha ha. 


I guess my mum must have got them from somewhere but no idea when, where from or why and dad had never seen them before today even though they were pretty much right under his nose.  I took a couple of pics but should have taken more.  Maybe I will tomorrow.


Can anyone  shed any light on these ? The are very small and less than a sixpence as you can see as there was one of those too.


Most just say '3' on the front but some say '3 pence'.  They seems to span about 15/20 years and some have holes through them (maybe they used to be on a bracelet or something)  Some have George V others had a queenie


I think only the ones from the 30's/40's  had 'pence' on them but had 'pence' come in by then ??? 


Here's a couple of pics although I will get some more  tomorrow as I only seem to have taken some of them and not necessarily the best ones to match my question 







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They don't happen to be silver do they as they may have been ones used for the christmas pudding. As for some having the word pence on them no idea. My dad used to collect coins and had a rather large collection of assorted ones. anything that was unusual like the olympic ones or teh ones from the isle of man with windsurfers etc on them.


I also came across a selection of pennies that belong to my late father in-law. Some are Victorian and some are so well worn it is difficult to tell they are pennies at al. will have to dig them out again and see wht I have to see if I have any similar to the ones you have.

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Yep, just old threepenny bits.  Remember them all from childhood.  The thrill when you discovered on of them in your Christmas pudding - didn't wrap them in tissue in those days.


Health and safety would have a fit nowadays, but you took the greatest of care to make sure you didn't swallow one - worth more than your weekly pocket money.


Happy days

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Sorry Cleo but I prefer Dizzy's thruppenny bits to yours, they are a nicer shape. 



now that phrase goes down in the things I never dreamed I'd be saying today category.


Doesn't bother me if you don't like my threepenny bit. :lol:  I loved them and if I had one in my pocket I felt as rich as a queen! Trouble was they never stayed in my pocket for long before I was off to the corner shop for 2 oz of caramelas (sweets to you).

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had a good look through the coins and the only threepenny bit I have is one like Cleos dated 1944 with George vi on it. I have a few Edward vii the earliest which is dated 1902 and several Victorian pennies the earliest of which I can make the date out is 1882 the latest one is dated 1901.

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I've got an Irish 3d, that's silver, a harp one one side and a hare on the other. 

And I've got  a heap of pennies the earliest is 1799, George III, its smaller than the others.  I have George IV 1826.  And I've found a farthing, 1943,  it's got a little bird on it, a robin maybe?

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Not a robin it was a Wren or 'Jenny' Wren as it is known. demel the window design on the brass threepenny bit is a portcullis.


here are the british coinage in circulation before decimalisation some remained for  many years afterwards.

excuse the misalignment of some of the titles, I messed up on word and forgot to correct it before uploading, but you get the drift!.



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Next time you are tucking into your liquorice all sorts Asp... Did your gran used to disinfect the coins as you never know what germs could still be lurking in that jar from all the coins she collected that had passed through many people's dirty hands and grubby trouser pockets :lol:

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Next time you are tucking into your liquorice all sorts Asp... Did your gran used to disinfect the coins as you never know what germs could still be lurking in that jar from all the coins she collected that had passed through many people's dirty hands and grubby trouser pockets :lol:

Duh!! I did wash it first Dizzy, us seafaring types are not as dumb as we look :lol: :lol: :lol:

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