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Knutsford Road Flood Defence Underway


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Tree felling along Knutsford Road is progressing to enable the new flood defence 'barrier' to be erected, looks as if the old bowling green on Victoria park has had to be removed in preparation, it will be interesting to see what the design and shape of the barrier will take, anyone any knowledge of what it is going to be like?. :unsure:

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Algy, as you approach Victoria Park from the direction of town there is a small road just before the park begins, it goes alongside the river and weir to the restaurant. At the junction of this road and Knutsford Road there is a sample section of how the barrier will be built. Hope this helps.

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Algy, as you approach Victoria Park from the direction of town there is a small road just before the park begins, it goes alongside the river and weir to the restaurant. At the junction of this road and Knutsford Road there is a sample section of how the barrier will be built. Hope this helps.



PJ I think that they removed it yesterday to allow for widening that entrance as it will be used whilst the new one is being created.


Algy, there should be a news item somewhere n the news page, but you will need to search for it. The new gateway is going to be widened and the area in front will be rather large. Something similar to what they did in Queen's Gardens opposite the Parr Hall.

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It will be in the form of a low wall. Pity so many trees had to be destroyed to make way for it. They had been there for more years than I have had my teeth. Would have been much better had they dredged the bottom of the river as they used to in days gone by. No wonder it floods now, there are years of silt and other rubbish at the bottom now which has no doubt decreased the depth.

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There's an artists impression of it on here Algy if that's what you meant.




and a bit more about the all the trees here



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This is all based on the assumption that the sea levels will rise and the Mersey will overflow.

In the 20 years that I have lived here, it has overflowed ONCE, which resulted in 2 foot of water on the field in front of the Old Warps, and 1 to 2 inches of water down Knutsford rd towards the Co-op. Chester road had 12/18 inches at the same time, so I have very mixed feelings on the subject, especially given the cost.

I like Cleo's idea better, but that's akin to common sense and thus not allowed.

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If the time you are on about is the only one I remember too Peter I was driving very slowly along Chester Road at the time (as it was still raining heavily) and the water was just over the sills of may car and was starting to seep through the bottom of the doors :shock:


Like you say somthing that I have seen since either.


I suppose this flood defence many be more for all the new houses that are being built everywhere which may be classed as being on flood planes.


I hear people in the new Walton Locks houses for example have had some trouble getting insurance but that issue may have been sorted as Peel Ports have apparently taken the Environment Agency to court to make them change their flood map data (it was to do with the locks or something like that).

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From those images it looks to me like their going to replace a wall that’s been there for a long time with another that looks much the same. I suppose and we have to trust those people whose job it is to understand these things better than we do, to make the right decisions for us even if it seems a bit odd. Always better safe than sorry as the saying goes.


Just a thought on Cleo’s theory, if we could dredge the river to be a mile deep or a mile wide, would it make any difference given that stretch is all tidal?


Bill :)

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It will be in the form of a low wall. Pity so many trees had to be destroyed to make way for it. They had been there for more years than I have had my teeth. Would have been much better had they dredged the bottom of the river as they used to in days gone by. No wonder it floods now, there are years of silt and other rubbish at the bottom now which has no doubt decreased the depth.


The Allotment Association have just secured a grant from the Woodland Trust of over 400 trees which will be planted around the area of some of the works near to the Black Bear allotment site. They are all wild harvest trees which should benefit wildlife, provide berries and nuts for park users to forage as well as be aesthetically pleasing. There is also a special royal oak to be planted in the park to commemorate the Queens Golden Jubilee year. So along with the replanting by the contractors the park should be fine for trees Cleo.

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Bill, I hope that was a tongue in cheek comment. Traffic management?? Speed humps???? Bridge Foot????


Sid, they won't be building on Vicky Park, because if there is flooding, the park is going to take the water. So not much of anything going to happen there, apart from resurfacing the athletics track that is taking place now.(or imminently).

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OOh dizz do I detect a hint of some conspiracy there, flood defenses so they can build on Victoria park and it's surrounding area :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:


Oooh no Evils I was just pointing out the problems some in new/existing houses near water were facing with insurance because some areas are classed as being high flood risk. Insurance companies use the Env Agencys Flood Map


You can view it here here and scroll around the whole of Warrington if like me you are bored... :lol:


Environment Agency - Risk of flooding from Rivers and Sea - Warrington


all that dark and light blue everywhere in Warrington is quite scarey really although it's only a risk and I never remember any of the flooding in the past.(The map was updated 9 Aug 2012 after the high court judgement and Env agency has now put in an appeal)

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Nah not really Peter. We’re all experts when it comes to complaining about roads because we use them almost every day but how many of us could claim to be experts or have any experience when it comes to a one in a hundred year flood plan? Somewhere along the line you do have to put some trust in other peoples ability to do a certain job. Either that or go through life on the assumption your surrounded by idiots. :mrgreen:


Bill :)


And btw their efforts seem to be working already because the last time I looked, my house was at moderate risk and now there’s no risk at all. :roll:

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It may well have been Diz, all that I know was the last time I looked on their map I was at risk of getting wet feet but now I appear ok.


I seem to remember reading somewhere that the computer model for doing the flood predictions couldn’t make allowances for the ship canal taking the vast majority of floodwater and as a result Warrington was listed as the sixth dodgeiest place in the country for flooding.


Bill :)

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Just a thought on Cleo’s theory, if we could dredge the river to be a mile deep or a mile wide, would it make any difference given that stretch is all tidal?


Bill :)


I recall, Bill, the days when it was not unusual to see the dredger working on that stretch of water. But I have no memory of flooding as they have had in later years, even at the times when the weir could not be seen or was barely visible.

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Don't chuck your waders and life jacket out just yet Asp if they will the appeal you might be getting wet again :lol:


With all this rain today though we might all safer on your ship for a while :unsure:

If it carries on like this Asp will be able to moor outside his house!, anyway I've almost finished my 'Ark' I'll soon see who my friends are when the tide comes in. :wink::D :grin:

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The River Mersey 'stations' are showing the water level to be 4.28m at Westy/Woolston (at 1.45pm today) and 2.47m at Sankey Brook, Higham Ave (at 2pm today). Both are now in the blue zone as 'risk of flooding'.


You can watch them rise here Algy so you know when to get in your Ark.


click on the green dots... ps Woolston's now gone upto 4.30m in 15 minutes


Env Agency River Levels - Lower Mersey


Gosh I'm clearly lacking something constructive to do today :lol:

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