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Covid Vaccine Passports

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The point is he’s not breaking any rules because India hasn’t yet been put on the red list.

If it wasn’t for the fact that this meeting is important for the counties trade post Brexit and had already been planned, I’m certain India would have been red listed long ago.

We’ve seen it all before though, once a country is put on the list, they see it as some form of insult and so respond the same way and that could get in the way of negotiations.

It's life I suppose Jim/Asp but not as you'd know it.


Bill 😊

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I think a lot of the images we see on tv give the impression that every place we see is over crowded but it could just be how the camera lens sees it from head height. All the pubs are busy but I suspect most will be doing their best to make sure distancing isn't forgotten about.

Also, good to see Boris has given up on the idea of visiting India so all we need now is for them to be red listed.


Bill :)

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On 4/17/2021 at 9:54 PM, asperity said:

Well that's fine then, there's no risk if a country isn't on a list 👍

I have had a suspicion for some months that the ECDC weekly country lists are used to decide on the status of countries. It is published on Thursdays and the latest week was the first in which the cases per 100k population over 14 days in India exceeded the equivalent number in the UK, Two working days later they act on it. I suspect that is just how it works unless there is some mitigation like there was in the Greek holiday Islands with direct flights.

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Again, there's a delay between the announcement and it's application, allowing thousands of Indians to enter the UK through this window.   India has a new strain, being spread through mass political election rallies, and the usual religious fests, with everyone toe to toe in the river.  Time HMG stopped playing at it.    😷

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20 hours ago, Bill said:

And as if by magic, India goes onto the red list.



We MUST do everything as soon as any red flag appears; all steps  too contain and beat this disease should be on the table; knee jerk reactions may even have helped some way at the very beginning of this infection instead of all the hand wringing over initial decisions; we are so near the home straight nothing must get in the way,

History will ultimately judge us and todays politicians; 

And I feel in a very cruel way... we faced the unknown and it must not be too judgemental about us ... but I fear we will castigated unfairly by future historians..

The majority of older people have been fully vaccinated, while daily Covid-19 deaths have dropped below those from road accidents, new figures show. 

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