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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/22/2011 in Posts

  1. Mix these tablets with the cattle feed - problem solved!
    5 points
  2. Algy - you missed a really important date 1st of September 1999 - launch of the first independent daily online newspaper in the country - www.warrington-worldwide.co.uk šŸ˜Ž
    5 points
  3. I have a signed van dyke painting at home. I tell you Dick van Dyke is a better actor than painter.šŸ¤­ Art is what you make of it. Three black dots arranged in a triangle on a white background and labelled as a polar bear in snow. If done by me would be laughed at by everyone..if it was done by say Picasso or one of the other well known painters, it would be lauded as a masterpiece and fought over by people who have more money than several banks could count. I once heard a very humorous description of the difference between art and lewd paintings. if it has urns it is art, if it has cherubs it is art, if it has a potted plant, on a stand it just scrapes through as art, anything else is just lewd pictures. Years ago spray painting on a wall was classed as vandalism, now it sells for thousands of pounds and is classed as art. I understand what stallard is saying. it is not the art as such he is saying is a hoax but the pretension of the people who will go into raptures over a certain wine that to your average person would be just fizzy vinegar in a fancy bottle. Sniffs glass,takes a sip of wine, swills round mouth, stares meaningly at ceiling and then says,"oh it a chateau naff de pope, 1820 (or twenty five past six at the latest), grown from grapes on the sunny side of the hill in the vineyard situated seven foot eight inches from the friary of st Herbert. stomped by a left handed leprechaun with a squint and bottled in hand blown glass from the desserts of africa with a cork specially imported from the sacred cork trees of the outer Himalayas and harvested using ancient techniques known only to three ancient masters of the temple ding dong in the valley of Avonk a ling. Am i right?" "nah mate fifty pence a bottle at bargain booze"
    5 points
  4. ā€œNever argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.ā€ ā€• Mark Twain
    5 points
  5. TD... maybe there is proof, maybe there is hearsay.... there may well be no doubt that the likes of Saville are guilty of some abuse; however you have to balance what is fact over what is just people coming forward to give a made up account of something that never happened. Remember 9/11? Remember Tania Head? she was the woman who claimed to be a survivor of the Twin Towers collapse and then became the "leader" of the survivors group? She got there because people did not question enough before accepting what she was saying was fact.. There are people out there like the 9/11 woman, who love to say "they were there" that they too suffered... but in reality they are just attention seeking. Jimmy Saville (or whatever daft name Cleo wants to call him) is not here to defend himself against any of this and that is open season to claim to be a victim. The guy who has accused Lord McAlpine may well have been a resident in some childrens home but whether he was ever abused needs to be fully established before any names are made public otherwise the whole sorry saga will become a pointless sham with people going on Sky News to claim that some long dead celebrity abused them; just to get a few minutes of fame and to feed their sad egos.... and then of course you have the ones who will go on Sky News or Newsnight to claim that some famous person; still living, abused them and that then is a very dangerous path and will lead to peoples' lives and reputations being destroyed in an instant
    5 points
  6. - everywhere; but not a drop to spare ! Seems were destined to run out of water over the next 25 years according to the EA, if you've just received your water rates, you may be excused some anger. The UK is noted for being rained on, and although a drier climate is predicted, it would seem the starting point for the EA would be to increase our collection and save capabilty IE: increase the number of reservoirs; combine this with hydro-electric schemes to produce green energy (two birds with one stone); establish a national network for water transfer throughout the UK.
    4 points
  7. If someone within the working environment of No 10 arranged a surprise birthday cake for Boris what would anyone expect the man to do, pull a glum face and tell everyone to get out of my house? If thereā€™s guilt involved, then it could only be aimed at the organizer. The way the other political parties and press have used all this makes me sick. Just look at Mrs Krankie the other day. She accidentally walks into a shop for a few seconds without her mask, which is something weā€™ve all done and yet for that sheā€™s branded a hypocrite with calls for her resignation. She was even reported to the police, but rather than them saying "Donā€™t be so silly", she was given an official police warning. How stupid and petty. There are far more important matters going on now without being derailed by party political games. Bill šŸ˜Š
    4 points
  8. I don't know. considering what he was landed with regards brexit and the pandemic kicking in plus all the sniping from the sidelines he hasn't done too badly. Would any other party leader have coped as well? Given that most of the politicos were against leaving the EU gravy train they were on and are just as clueless as regards what steps to take to lower the infection rates, they have taken to piling in to chuck as much mud as they can in the hope that some sticks. to be honest i find the lot weak chinned halfwits and that is belittling halfwits the world over.
    4 points
  9. Remember this post I made a couple of months back about a video being made in one of my locals. The big guy doing all the talking was sitting far too close for my liking but when he started doing his denying bit and saying how he wouldnā€™t get vaccinated I thought it was time for me to make my excuses and leave. šŸ¤¢ Theyā€™ve just done another video with him, this time from his sickbed and heā€™s now desperately appealing for people to ignore everything heā€™s ever said about Covid. He was the stereotypical covidiot who was using social media to spread his whacky views to his thousands of followers. So while I wouldnā€™t wish this virus on anyone, thereā€™s some who almost deserve to get it. Bill šŸ˜Š
    4 points
  10. I read this on Facebook this morning and thought Iā€™d share it here as it pretty well sums up my own feelings on the situation. Bill šŸ˜Š
    4 points
  11. I bet if we could speak privately and off the record with MPs from all parties, theyā€™d all agree with public opinion and get them shipped back immediately, but itā€™s one thing to think that and another as to what our stupid laws allow them to do. I thought that once we got our divorce from Europe things might change but that doesnā€™t seem to be the case. If these migrants arenā€™t happy with the accommodation or the food, then they shouldnā€™t have come here illegally in the first place. As for the overcrowding, it wouldnā€™t be quite so overcrowded if they hadnā€™t burned half the place down, so give them a tarpaulin and make them sleep under that like they did in France and tell them to sod off with their claims for compensation. Bill šŸ˜Š
    4 points
  12. One has to wonder if the people who complain about that have the same attitude when they go abroad for holidays and have to have vaccinations against whatever disease is prevalent in that country to enable them to "enjoy" their week in the sun.
    4 points
  13. You really have got to love these burghers of Europe. With every day that goes by, my gratitude at leaving the EU is reinforced. I have never witnessed such petty & spiteful people as those who are entrusted with running the EU. Unelected Bureaucrats elevated to positions of power are not a good idea.
    4 points
  14. BREAKING NEWS: Seven dinghies packed with refugees arrived on a beach at Weston-Super-Mare this morning. Government sources said they are being returned to Wales immediately.
    4 points
  15. Maybe the lesson learnt is that manufacturing everything thousands of miles away is not a great idea
    4 points
  16. A reminder of why we have a Brexit problem. And it isn't the people!
    4 points
  17. Following on from the private prosecution brought against our esteemed Mr Johnson , will it also mean than any politician can be held accountable for any statement made which is not carried out to the letter ? A PM or even a political party could even be held accountable for failing to carry out it's manifesto to the letter. What come across to me is nothing more than mud slinging against a prospective PM from an agent of the Remain side which was no less guilty of romantic fiction during the referendum campaign.
    4 points
  18. I find your attempts at censorship rather confirms Observer's disquiet at the extension of PC philosophy which this ban, which has yet to affect any ad at all, represents. It is a clear and distressing reduction in our liberties in an area which is beyond what I believe should be the remit of the ASA, namely social engineering. Free speech is being eroded by policies such as this as well as commenters who divert any expression of an opinion by constructing personal attacks on those who express them; in Obs' case usually hoping to start a discussion. He doesn't want you to agree, he wants you to discuss - it is what this place is for.
    4 points
  19. As per usual this post has turned into personal attacks on one and other it is no wonder that this forum is dying on it's feet!.
    4 points
  20. Naah PJ I'm not offended by the ruling at all....... I find it all rather laughable to be honest that we live in such a bonkers society these days that people feel the 'need' to look at something as daft as some tv adverts and say 'hey this needs to be stopped as it might hurt some little gentle wallflowers feelings'. Most people probably never even gave it a second though until someone with nothing better to do made a big deal of it. Bit like the 1000's of numpties who have been complaining to OFCOM this week about not liking something on Love Island. Durh...well stop blummin' watching it then lol. PS Mr Dizzy can't parallel park our new car..... I think he's still quite offended by me laughing at him though (but hey I can't park it either shhh)
    4 points
  21. Carries stuff in the back ,doesn't run on a track, That's a lorry.šŸš›
    4 points
  22. One man eating lion to the other. "How was the man food today?" "Better than usual because this one was poached!" Bill
    4 points
  23. So more scare tactics to put fear and mass panic into peoples minds and yes a ploy to either make us (the UK people) think 'Shite maybe we'd best not leave after all then'. Probably a ploy to put fear into all other countries who may be quietly thinking that they may leave too. Such a large proportion of people here and around the world are diabetic and NEED insulin so no wonder they are trying this tactic to keep us all REMAIN. The more scare stories I see the more determined I am that we should LEAVE and put 2 fingers up to the lot of them. YES WE WILL ALL BE OK...IF WE CAN SURVIVE 2 ATROCIOUS WORLD WARS AND THE REST WE CAN BLOODY SURVIVE BREXIT !
    4 points
  24. it does make you wonder then how much worse off the EU will be without the UK given the speed of which this bit of legal hocus pocus was put in place. I suppose there will me a more vigorous campaign from both sides now to support/denounce it. Saw a bit on the news yesterday when they were interviewing people in runcorn. First one they interviewed came out with the statement that they were worried and then admitted that they had not voted in the referendum. That being the case they have no say in the matter. Their excuse was that they were not sure about the issues. second guy interviewed ran a business and had voted, he wasn't worried as he had little to do with the EU as such. Nearly all his business was with American companies and he stated that he was seeing an increase if anything in his trade. in all the press coverage I have seen the focus has been on how bad leaving will be or how bad such a deal will be. Not one on how good things could be, and as always it is speculation. We will not know until it happens is the way to look at it. Then good or bad deal with it.
    4 points
  25. Well you might then explain why enforcing the requirement to park in the bay only is in the public interest in an almost empty, and by the sound of it about to close car park. They already had the parking fee so the penalty ticket is only needed to discourage behaviour that might stop others from parking but that was evidently not the case. There is a requirement on councils to not treat parking fines as a source of revenue but this case suggests that might well be what was happening here. The rules are there for a reason but when the reason ceases to be applicable why not cease to enforce it. Save the money by not employing the attendant during those hours perhaps. I wouldn't mind betting that the data protection registration for the car park doesn't say that the cameras are to be used to enforce parking controls and rather that they are for crime prevention. Parking over a white line in a car park not being a crime if the parking firm use the footage to take action against their staff or the public for parking infringements they may well be breaking the law. I agree with Dizzy's underlying point about using common sense, the council just have a bit of a problem with common sense and prefer the officious route.
    4 points
  26. I knew I was supposed to be doing something a few weeks ago..oops. Gary...can you like or vote on others peoples post comments now? I'm not sure if other people can like or vote you and me up or down again though...probably a good thing that though especially for me ha ha
    4 points
  27. When asked the question, Are there too many immigrants in the UK? 7% said 'No' 27% said 'Yes' 66% said, 'I am not understanding question, please'
    4 points
  28. yes........ but its Factual tripe you dont have to read it see the view counter gone as high as it can
    4 points
  29. report it.... I couldn't live with myself if one of the residents died because I made the decision to not say anything
    4 points
  30. Right, I've got the message too now having just given TEN - reds on this topic. So that's clearly the limit anyway. I'll report back sometime within the next 24 hours to say if/when my quota resets itself. That doesn't really explain yours though Wolfie but I'll see what I can find out although probably best that you can't give any anyway eh?
    4 points
  31. I'm holding out for a hung parliament... I will even contribute some rope to it.....šŸ™„
    3 points
  32. Exactly, same disease just slightly more infectious and slightly different name. As a country weā€™re in front of the game and the impact here will be nothing like that seen in India who were unprepared and well behind with the vaccinations. My initial thought was they need to make an exception in areas where the variant is bad and hold back on relaxing things. But thinking about it more, it wouldnā€™t prevent it spreading, no more than you could stop a common cold from spreading. My bet that we donā€™t have another major spike causing another lockdown still stands. Bill šŸ˜Š
    3 points
  33. Asp I think that itā€™s time that we quit trying to educate the Neanderthals ! Maybe having them locked down for a few years will be a boon to mankind. Indisputable facts, Florida and Texas ( God I love it ) took an entirely different approach to handling this pesky bug - no panic, no lockdowns and now itā€™s gone to the point where it no longer affects quality of life. Hospitals are back on normal operational schedules, the testing stations are closing their doors, every manufacturing business, bars, restaurants are thriving and thereā€™s a smile on everybodyā€™s face. All infection rate graphs are in a free fall. On the other hand, in every other Democratic controlled State, or should I say Moronic controlled State, where Government (grasp for power) lockdowns are in place, the contamination rates are going up, as I said previously, New York has an increase in infections of 125% since the last lock down. LOCKDOWNS DONā€™T WORK, FRESH AIR does. Went to Houston today for my post op (cataract) surgery, great trip, all of the medical facilities were wait free, in fact, we were the only people in most of the hospital depts. Great Lunch at Magianos Little Italy, best lasagne in the world with a glass of Chianti Classico, red and white table cloths and Frank Sinatra crooning non stop. What pandemic ? Texas didnā€™t win independence and Statehood by hiding behind the sofa and thatā€™s true today,
    3 points
  34. you were stoned for blasphemy as well at one stage in history.
    3 points
  35. Have had several this week alone, i always ask first how Dave is as i have not heard from him for a long time and if he still works there. That and ask them repeatedly to supply the error codes so that i can check them out. Finally if they have not hung up i ask them if my macintosh computer would show the same errors as a windows one. If that does not work then i start to engage in a lengthy description about whatever is aching at the time. So far i have managed to keep one occupied for seven and a half minutes almost a personal best.
    3 points
  36. I am an inactive person as regards exercise, however i do climb up and down my stairs at least once an hour during my waking hours. I once worked out that over my lifetime,so far, i have climbed the equivalent of one and a half Everests. Somebody bought me one of those fitbit watches to monitor my exercise. i was so inactive it made a call to the undertakers....āš°ļø
    3 points
  37. I found the main moan amusing, as only the grumpies have had it and thus will get the passport; so the idea of requiring a passport for the newly opened pubs will exclude all the youngsters - shame. šŸ˜·
    3 points
  38. Can't beat a quick dip in the ea at Blackpool. thirty seconds and you didn't feel the cold, your body was too numb to feel anything. Especially when you were wearing those trunks made out of your dads old wool jumper. when you came out you dragged half the sea bed behind you like a trawling net.
    3 points
  39. I remember in the sixties being told by the lifeguard to take my socks off before swimming. When I told him my socks were already off he said in that case go and wash your dirty feet. Bill šŸ˜Š
    3 points
  40. Live 24 hour a day coverage of the eisteddfod from pant-y-girdl on the TV with running commentary by Jonathan Davies......šŸ¤Ŗ
    3 points
  41. The wife and I were in M&S this morning and the food department was so packed that you could hardly move around. There was absolutely no chance to social distance, so we decided to give it a miss. At one time all shops were limiting how many they allowed in but now it looks like that ideas gone out of the window for Christmas. This wasn't just a crowd, it was a M&S crowd. Bill
    3 points
  42. out of interest how far in front of the referee do you have to be to be offside at the play of the ball? Just curious because for st helens players it seems to be about five yards. For all other teams it seems to be about five inches.
    3 points
  43. Apparently, matters are getting fraught , angry commuters dragging anarchists from underground train roofs because they want to get to work etc. Perhaps these nerds should head off to the sub continent where they can travel on the roofs of rail carriages all day long.
    3 points
  44. 1st Nov - the sun still rises in the sky - the Germans still want to sell us their cars, the French still want to sell us their wine etc - pragmatism wins.
    3 points
  45. Jeremy Corbyn asked the Queen. "Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient organisation? Are there any tips you can give me?" "Well." Said the Queen. "The most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people." Jeremy Corbyn then asked. "But how do I know if the people around me are really intelligent?" The Queen took a sip of tea. "Oh, that's easy, you just ask them to answer an intelligent riddle, watch me and listen." The Queen pushed a button on her intercom. "Please send Prince Charles in here, would you?" Prince Charles walked into the room and said. Yes, Mother? The Queen smiled and said to Charles. "Answer me this please Charles. Your mother and father have a child. It is not your brother and it is not your sister. Who is it?" Without pausing for a moment, Prince Charles answered. "That would be me." "Yes, very good!" Said the Queen. Ah ha I get it said Jeremy, thank you Ma'am. And in a great rush he left. Corbyn went back to Parliament and decided to ask Diane Abbott the same question. "Diane, answer this for me." "Your mother and your father have a child. It's not your brother and it's not your sister. Who is it?" "I'm not sure." Said Abbott. And then in true Diane Abbott style she went on to say. "Let me get back to you on that one." She went to her advisers and asked everyone, but none could give her an answer. Frustrated, Diane went for a coffee and met Nigel Farage. "Nigel, see if you can answer this question." "Okay." Replied Nigel. "Your mother and father have a child and it's not your brother or your sister. Who is it?" Farage immediately answered,."That's easy, it's me!" Abbott grinned and said. "Good answer Nigel, I see it all now!" Abbott then, went back to find Corbyn and said to him. "Jeremy, I did some research and I have the answer to that riddle 'If your mother and father have a child who is not your brother or your sister, the child is Nigel Farage!"' Corbyn went red in the face, got up, stomped over to Abbott, and yelled in her face. "No! You bloody idiot! It's Prince Charles!"
    3 points
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