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Recycled Food Scraps ?


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Plans are being considered which could see people fined up to ?500 for failing to recycle food scraps


Under the scheme, supported by Environment Secretary Hilary Benn, councils would be able to introduce fines of between ?80 and ?500.


It could mean a slop bucket - or a kitchen caddy - is issued to every home across the UK.


The plan was first suggested by Mr Benn earlier this summer. He said it was ridiculous to keep on dumping biodegradable waste which could be burned for energy or processed for biofuel.


Defra is officially consulting on the plan to bring in a landfill ban on food waste.


It is up to councils how to bring in the new system, but many will choose to threaten households with fines if they fail to comply


Source ITN


Is it April1st or am i still dreaming ?

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That Hilary Benn is as much of a great big jumped up prat as his dad. The man is a complete buffoon if he thinks this is workable, I mean they can't even get a grip on the crime we have now in this bloody country so how are they going to cope with fining people for not throwing away food waste?


This government really has run out of ideas and is just trying to make things as bad as they possibly can for when the Tories get it.... a bit like Saddam burning the oilfields after the first Gulf War!

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How on earth will they fine people? It's not like they can work out how much food you have NOT eaten :lol:


Easy solution = eat your meal then rather than putting your leftovers in the bin and face a fine... or even putting them in a sinky conainer and keeping them until collection day.... just deposit them somewhere in the open (maybe a local hedgerow, canal bank, open space or street corner) for the birds, rats, mice etc etc. You will be helping the local wildlife too :lol::roll:


Another place to deposit it would be on a busy main road or motorway and as each car passes over the waste it would take up a little of it in the tyre treads. This would therefore distribute the waste easily and again would lower the landfil rate :?:roll::lol:

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A lot of people, myself included, recycle uncooked vegetable food waste by composting. Does Hilary Benn want all our chop bones, stale bread crusts, left over jam roly-poly and custard etc. to go into bins like the "pig bins" we had in the 40s? That's fine as long as it's taken away every day, otherwise we have the perfect breeding ground for flies, rats and every bacterium known to Man all sitting in our gardens.


This country gets madder and madder. :shock:

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It might help if we didn't waste food in the first place - I cooked too much cabbage the other day - no probs - had it the following day as bubble and squeak. :wink: Plus, it might help if packaged items were sold in smaller portions - so you can eat it all on one occasion, rather than realising too late that what's left is passed it's sell by date. :roll: Waste not - want not! :wink:

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How does it work over there then? See, I can make sense of a scheme that provides containers and collections for people who WANT to join in. We have green bins and blue bins on that basis.


But how do you operate a system that fines people who don't join in? If my caddy is empty because I recycle everything, how do you tell that from next door's which is empty because they chuck it all in the wheelie bin? Or do I have to stop recycling so there's something to throw away? That seems a bit counter-productive.

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we have brown bins the same size as a normal bin and all your compostable waste goes into them and its picked up every two weeks, not to forget we have yellow bin bags for plastics ect and blue bins for paper and grey for normal waste all are picked up on a two week basis..

This way normal household waste is cut down and recycling is very good.. beofre i forget glass to the bottle banks..


Its a good system once you know when and what is being picked up so a waste pcik up plan is sent to each household every year so you know,if or you just look at what bin everyone else is putting out..


Simple and effective




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So it is a voluntary system and there's no fine? I can see that working if nobody minds the smell, but mine would end up with about a pound of bones in it and that's all. I've got kids, a composter, a dog, a rabbit and a bird table..... the effect is similar to locusts! :lol:


Is the energy we'd recover really more than the energy used to empty the bins? I don't know what the population is over there or the standard wastage here or there. If it's going to make a big difference, then obviously it's worth a go.

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Iv'e seen the recycling people do in Bavaria, and yes it is efficient and easy enough. They even have pedal bins in the kitchen with two compartments inside! It is compulsory but people seem quite committed to the idea of recycling over there which is probably why it works.


I recycle everything I can, but I wonder whether slop bins would work so well over here, it'd have to be efficiently organised otherwise it would be a serious health risk!


I don't compost fruit/veg waste anymore unless I know it's home grown, as most of the stuff in the supermarkets are irradiated and don't seem to decompose naturally.

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Is the energy we'd recover really more than the energy used to empty the bins? I don't know what the population is over there or the standard wastage here or there. If it's going to make a big difference, then obviously it's worth a go.


Its not really voluntary as if you dont the bin men may well not take your normal bins because it full of the wrong rubbish,

whether or not the energy used is recovered well i should think so as every houshold recycles ok, 99.9% do.


sofar the system here works well and no one really complains and at least the rubbish does get recycled and most isnt sent to some far off land...



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