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Who are the worst drivers?


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Well it appears the insurance statistics indicate that women have less accidents than men. They also indicate that the below 25s are as bigger risk as the over 65s, although the grumpies tend to compensate for their defiencies by driving less (no M/Ways or night driving). Basically none of us are as good as we think we are; but some are worse than most - using mobiles, falling asleep, being drunk etc. All contributing to a national annual casualty rate the size of a small Town. So to counter the human factor, technology has come to the rescue; from a black box "spy in the cab" that monitors our driving to the driverless car, which allows "platooning" of vehicles into groups led by one vehicle. So, if it means less death on the roads, are you prepared to accept invasive technology that takes over your driving or invades your privacy? :unsure:

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Probably nothing at all with your topic subject matter, however the title poses the question "Who are the worst drivers".


Sod the statistics, I firmly believe that you cant categorise by gender, so in my opinion, Van drivers and specifically Royal Mail van drivers, they behave as complete idiot when behind the steering wheel.

Latest model to be issued to Royal Mail.


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I think those statistic do not apply to Florida - under 25 are definately high risk for accidents, because they like to text and drive; but over 65 are too. Been hit two times in the last 6 years, both were over 65 and did not notice I was stopped at a red light! :shock:

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Worst drivers.


1) cyclists. ignore red lights ride with dark clothing and no lights wander all over the road/footpath/grass verges have little or no regard for other road users or pedestrians.Insist that all other road users stick to a speed limit that does them the least harm :mrgreen:


2) young men with their mates in the car. they tend to want to show off a bit so tend to drive more aggressively than if they are on their own.


3) young women on their own as they tend to take more care when they have a friend in the car as they have to be able to carry on a conversation about corrie/emmerdale/xfactor etc.


4) people using sat nav as they have no idea where they are going and neither has the sat nav but they will doggedly stick by it no matter what it takes them through or where.


5) people on motor bikes as they think that a row of stationary traffic is the best place to try out their slalom techniques



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As you could guess, the stats were given on a prog last night; to which were added a few experiments between groups. But the biggest cause of death and destruction on our roads is human error; so whether it's young boy racers showing off, young girls texting, old folk with slow reactions,lorry drivers watching a film on their lap top, drugs, drunks or sleep problems; what should be done to reduce the death toll? :unsure:

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Not funny - I was given a lift by a (female) teaching colleague years ago. On getting into the Sankey Way traffic, she rotated her driver's mirror and started applying various make-up. I was very close to jumping out and making a run for it, but the traffic was too heavy to open the door!


:D Don't think they'll see much Baz, when they're putting make up on and fiddling with their hair! :wink:




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