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Give over Cullen is a Wire legend and always will be. He is a top bloke but unfortunately couldn't coach us to the higher level.


Dont forget he brought us young talent such as Bridge, Harrison and Grix.


He cant be all bad :lol:

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Cullen was a poor player and a poor coach.


He gave 100% every game and that cant be denied however he didn't have the skills to be a good player, He's very very limited as a coach, yes he saved us from relegation but how many coaches have taken over a club with a few games to go and saved them ?? plenty and that's because players have a new lease of life, change of ideas, It's not like he done something no other coach could do.

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No he isn't. He kept us in SL and took us to fourth in the league.


Cullen did a good job for us - he turned us from relegation fodder into a half decent team and along with Moran managed to attract some decent quality players to us which form the backbone of todays team.


The problem he had was that he stayed a couple of years too long and hit a brick wall in terms of developing the club further - it was a shame in many respects the way he left the club because he was always 100% committed to us, but unfortunately outstayed his welcome.


I wish him well at Widnes and hope they get a franchise so we can have our local derby again.

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No he isn't. He kept us in SL and took us to fourth in the league.


Cullen did a good job for us - he turned us from relegation fodder into a half decent team and along with Moran managed to attract some decent quality players to us which form the backbone of todays team.


The problem he had was that he stayed a couple of years too long and hit a brick wall in terms of developing the club further - it was a shame in many respects the way he left the club because he was always 100% committed to us, but unfortunately outstayed his welcome.


I wish him well at Widnes and hope they get a franchise so we can have our local derby again.

Spot on. He did stay too long. I seriously disagree with Latchford Wolvesfan. PC was a good player. He was actually a replacement for the 1990 tour, but couldn't go because \of suspension. He overcame a very serious knee injury to play well over 300 games for Wire and was then a decent coach. It doesn't matter that others might have saved us, they didn't he did, and the very next season he took us back to respectability.

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Paul Cullen was never a good player..... He was best mates with Brian Johnson and Tony Barrow and that's the reason he lasted so long.. He started in the halves and wasn't good enough for there so shifted him to centre, he wasn't good enough for that either so used him as a battering ram in the forwards... When your playing with Gregory, Boyd and Tamati Paul Cullen could afford to be carried in the forwards.


No international honours and only 1 cap for Lancashire... The reason for that 1 cap was because John Monie pulled all the Wigan players out save them getting injured... hot head with terrible discipline which cost us a few match's he was also captain when we got beat 80-0 by Saints and should have thrown the towel in then instead of helping to get his good mate Brian the sack.


As a coach he was also average at best, became to friendly with players, allowed them to do what they wanted, couldn't coach discipline as he never had any himself... National league 1 is were he belongs.

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Paul Cullen was never a good player..... He was best mates with Brian Johnson and Tony Barrow and that's the reason he lasted so long.. He started in the halves and wasn't good enough for there so shifted him to centre, he wasn't good enough for that either so used him as a battering ram in the forwards... When your playing with Gregory, Boyd and Tamati Paul Cullen could afford to be carried in the forwards.


No international honours and only 1 cap for Lancashire... The reason for that 1 cap was because John Monie pulled all the Wigan players out save them getting injured... hot head with terrible discipline which cost us a few match's he was also captain when we got beat 80-0 by Saints and should have thrown the towel in then instead of helping to get his good mate Brian the sack.


As a coach he was also average at best, became to friendly with players, allowed them to do what they wanted, couldn't coach discipline as he never had any himself... National league 1 is were he belongs.


Blimey...say it as it is Latch2 :roll:

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Paul Cullen was never a good player..... He was best mates with Brian Johnson and Tony Barrow and that's the reason he lasted so long.. He started in the halves and wasn't good enough for there so shifted him to centre, he wasn't good enough for that either so used him as a battering ram in the forwards... When your playing with Gregory, Boyd and Tamati Paul Cullen could afford to be carried in the forwards.


No international honours and only 1 cap for Lancashire... The reason for that 1 cap was because John Monie pulled all the Wigan players out save them getting injured... hot head with terrible discipline which cost us a few match's he was also captain when we got beat 80-0 by Saints and should have thrown the towel in then instead of helping to get his good mate Brian the sack.

You obviously have something against PC. He was one of a number of promising young players brought in by Tony Barrow and played on a regular basis in a fairly successful side. He certainly was not a failure. It should also be noted that he only moved into the pack after a series of bad knee injuries. As regards discipline, he was just one of many players in that era whose discipline wasn't great. Rathbone, Boyd, Tamati, Webb etc. He loasted a long time because he was a good durable player.


As a coach he was also average at best, became to friendly with players, allowed them to do what they wanted, couldn't coach discipline as he never had any himself... National league 1 is were he belongs.

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There's no doubt in my mind that Paul Cullen only lasted as long as he did was because he's a Warrington man. Had he been from Wigan St Helens or anywhere else he would have been long gone before he actually went.Sentiments such as *He bleeds primrose and blue* and other such cliched nonsense doesn't butter any parsnips. As has been stated before he was extremely average as a player...too slow for the backs and too small for the pack. He's now doing what he does best...coaching an NRL side and talking gobble-de-gook on Sky TV. He was the sole reason why I stayed away from my spiritual home for two seasons. At the end I couldn't even bear to glance in his direction. In the last few days the myth has been repeated that he saved us from relegation which is utter tripe. His record when he took over in the first few games of what was left of the season were no better than any of the preceding coaches, it was only by fortuitous results from the Wire point of few of teams around us that we didn't go down.

We're well shut and long may he stay away.

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There's no doubt in my mind that Paul Cullen only lasted as long as he did was because he's a Warrington man. Had he been from Wigan St Helens or anywhere else he would have been long gone before he actually went.Sentiments such as *He bleeds primrose and blue* and other such cliched nonsense doesn't butter any parsnips. As has been stated before he was extremely average as a player...too slow for the backs and too small for the pack. He's now doing what he does best...coaching an NRL side and talking gobble-de-gook on Sky TV. He was the sole reason why I stayed away from my spiritual home for two seasons. At the end I couldn't even bear to glance in his direction. In the last few days the myth has been repeated that he saved us from relegation which is utter tripe. His record when he took over in the first few games of what was left of the season were no better than any of the preceding coaches, it was only by fortuitous results from the Wire point of few of teams around us that we didn't go down.

We're well shut and long may he stay away.


Very good post sir, couldn't agree with you more.

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There's no doubt in my mind that Paul Cullen only lasted as long as he did was because he's a Warrington man. Had he been from Wigan St Helens or anywhere else he would have been long gone before he actually went.Sentiments such as *He bleeds primrose and blue* and other such cliched nonsense doesn't butter any parsnips. As has been stated before he was extremely average as a player...too slow for the backs and too small for the pack. He's now doing what he does best...coaching an NRL side and talking gobble-de-gook on Sky TV. He was the sole reason why I stayed away from my spiritual home for two seasons. At the end I couldn't even bear to glance in his direction. In the last few days the myth has been repeated that he saved us from relegation which is utter tripe. His record when he took over in the first few games of what was left of the season were no better than any of the preceding coaches, it was only by fortuitous results from the Wire point of few of teams around us that we didn't go down.

We're well shut and long may he stay away.

Gents. Who did save us from relegation then? Who took us to 6th in the next season? Who took us to 4th in 2005. Latchford Wolf your ridiculous quote re the reason he went into the forwards is just trash. He went into the back row well after the Boyd, Tamati, Jackson era. As for the Tony Barrow/Brian Johnson theory, well that's an insult to both those coaches. The fact is that Latch and Safeway just don't like PC.

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I didnt mention Bob Jackson and if you do your homework again you'll find Gregory (who i mentioned in the first place) and Boyd were playing in the forwards when Cullen was.


Just like Safeway said he got far to much praise and support because he was a Warrington lad and people wanted him to do well, me included but unfortunately he wasn't up to standard.

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Say that he wasn't good enough to coach warrington to the highest level, say that he wasn't a world class player but please dont destroy the poor bloke.


He is a decent likeable bloke who has only ever given 110% for the wire cause, you cant fault him for that.

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