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Is anyone out there?


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Just lately I’ve been watching some UFO stuff on the Freeview channel 64 which I find quite intriguing. Like most people I’ve always thought that the whole thing is a load of old bunkum coming from people who either have misinterpreted what they’ve seen or are just not quite right in the head. I still believe that to be true in most cases, but the program highlights many instances where unexplainable events are witnessed by professionals such as airline pilots and the military and this begs the question of what the heck is happening?

Observer would love this stuff because it’s full of conspiracy theories and alleged cover ups which I suppose all adds to the entertainment value of the program. The question is though, is it all made up or could ET really be paying us the odd visit?


Bill 😊

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That’s true I suppose Sid but then again if they’re cleaver enough to have cracked interstellar travel then I think they’d understand the difference between entertainment and reality. I suppose we’ll all remain sceptics until a little green man lands in our back garden.

I’ve seen several things in my time that many might claim to be UFOs, but they’ve all turned out to be explainable. The best was back in the seventies while I was living in the states. We saw what looked like a classic flying saucer, flashing lights round the side and beams of light shooting down to the ground. People were out on the street watching this and thinking we were witnessing something out of this world, we took several photos. You can imagine our disappointment when it got closer, and we realised it was just a light aircraft with an advertising array on its underside.


Bill 😊

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Actually Bill, I zero interest in speculating about UFO's; beyond an acceptance that on the balance of probabilities we can't be the only life form in a vast universe.  Whether such beings could or would visit is pure speculation, and the stuff of sci-fi films.   So I'll stick to things that are actually happening in the World.     :rolleyes:

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In 1961 when Frank Drake came up with his famous equation for calculating the probability of extra-terrestrial life, people were surprised at the results despite deliberately using quite cautious guesses. Advances in astronomy now remove a lot of these guesses and dramatically increases the probability of intelligent life. Given this and using the same probability theory, it’s extremely unlikely that all the verified sightings are false. Or put another way, it’s likely that most verifiable sightings are genuine.

I have severe doubts about many of the old stories like Roswell but more recent events similar to those witnessed and recorded by the US military are increasingly hard to dismiss. Interestingly, many of these sightings seem to be in in sensitive areas and particularly so where there’s some kind of nuclear activity. Probably scares the pants off the military but it seems to me that they’re just looking and as far as I know there’s never been any hostility.

Maybe we’re witnessing something like Star Trek’s prime directive (none interference), in fact, some have suggested that the show has been deliberately designed to precondition us somewhat for the time when we make first contact with an alien race. It’s a nice thought if true.


Bill 😊

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Captains log James T Kirk commanding "we come in peace,SHOOT TO KILL SHOOT TO KILL".......the firm Star Trekkin.......🤣

16 hours ago, Bill said:

Interestingly, many of these sightings seem to be in in sensitive areas and particularly so where there’s some kind of nuclear activity.

They have been watching our films then......:rolleyes:

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Here’s a couple more mistaken UFO events that got my heart beating for a while.

Milton Keynes on a perfectly clear dark night and I spot a small orange V moving slowly and silently amongst the stars. Many reports of V shaped objects have been made in the past, so I was convinced I was witnessing something unique. Eventually though it became apparent that what I was seeing was simply a flock of geese night flying at a great height, illuminated from below from the orange street lighting. The faint quacking was a bit of a giveaway. 😊

On holiday in Tenerife some years back, we had one of those perfectly dark skies that we seldom get these days where even the faintest stars could be seen crystal clear. Just for something to do, we decided to see how many satellites we could spot under these conditions. We saw quite a lot but while watching one, we saw it suddenly turn 90 degrees and go off in a different direction which of course is impossible for a satellite. After some time, we saw several changing directions rather like that in the close encounters film. Eventually, we realized that what we were seeing was nothing more than seabirds, probably albatrosses that stay airborne throughout the night and flying at colossal height.

Sorry for all the waffling posts but I’m waiting for some sunshine to test my solar battery charger, but I think I’m in for a long wait.


Bill 😊

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There's a programme on bbc 2 tonight.

First contact alien encounter that might peak your interest. ( 9pm until 10.30 pm)

It is about what humans would do if there was a signal from them and what the  aliens might look like and look for.

I often wonder about projects like SETI and their search for intelligent life in the universe. It is hard enough finding intelligent life on this planet, especially when it come to politicians........:rolleyes:

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It is commonplace to think this but the signals we sent out since the demise of plain morse code all have a great dependency on our physiology to transmit information. The massive increase in signals in latter years are all digital and to a remote observer they will look just like noise. I think any notion that they could be understood is fanciful and it is made even less likely by the fact that the same frequencies are used constantly and over and again all-round the globe. The emissions from Earth really are notable only by the frequencies used and the divergence from the mostly observed features in space. If there is intelligent life out there it will not be informed!

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That makes absolute sense to the likes of you and me, but most people would only see it in much simpler terms. If we wanted to announce our existence to the galaxy it’d require something like a single high-power signal to be beamed at a specific point in space, and for a very long time. But why would we bother doing anything like that given SETI haven’t detected anything after all these years?

Space travel will certainly evolve and it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that something along the lines of a warp drive might eventually make interstellar travel possible. If we accept this as possible, then it’s probable that we won’t be the first, and if that’s true, alien civilizations more advanced than us could well have already been visiting us for eons. It’s all a bit Star Trekish, the prime directive and all that but it’s a theory that fits perfectly.

BTW I thought the TV show on Wednesday night was a disappointing mix of fact and fiction that could have been done a lot better.


Bill 😊

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37 minutes ago, Bill said:

But why would we bother doing anything like that given SETI haven’t detected anything after all these years?

they have bill but the government hush it up so nobody knows about it. or so my mate down the pub says and he got it from his cousins brother in law who works on the bins and is reckoned a bony fido government source......🕵️‍♀️

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I think we can safely say- no one on this board will see it !    Frankly I doubt any future biological human will be capable of inter-stellar flight in any case.  The future, if there is one, will be for non-biological beings like AI robots, possibly with brain transfers into their computers.    😉

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Most of the confirmed observations seem to be just some form of craft capable of unearthly speeds and manoeuvrability but several have also reported seeing what look like very human people on board and if that’s the case then it could be possible without removing anyone’s brain.

We don’t understand how they could do that but go back a couple of hundred years and many of the things we do today would have seemed just as impossible. It could be that what allows alien crafts to seemingly break the laws of physics could also be protecting its passengers. It certainly worked in Star Trek so why not? Meanwhile back in reality, I’m currently stuck at warp factor zero with a flat rear tyre.


Bill 😊

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Give Scotty a call Bill he will have it fixed and twice as good as new in minutes.....🛸

i once read a little bit about some interview that Gene Roddenberry did regarding star trek. he was asked the question how do the inertial dampeners work. he replied very well thank you , next question.......🤣

The problem with artificial intelligence is that it only as good as it's programming. Although currently they are learning to adapt to different situations a self aware AI is still a long way off....hopefully.....🧠

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34 minutes ago, Observer II said:

Well, the scientist are warning against AI, even though they continue to develop it;  as any super-intelligent system will realise how primitive we are and will take over.     💀

You should listen to this year's Reith Lectures, which were about AI, if this subject interests you.

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  • 10 months later...

Now here’s a thing. After everything I said here about how easy it is for people to mistake natural events as something extra-terrestrial, last night at about 9.30 I saw something that I can’t explain or see how anyone else could have any rational explanation for.

I was sitting using my laptop and there was an owl somewhere outside hooting like crazy so I stepped out to see if I could see where it was. Looking about, the sky was clear apart from the odd cloud. I eventually spotted a faint satellite slowly moving along and while watching that for a few seconds something big suddenly moved in my field of vision. It was quite large and a blurry red orange in colour and had the appearance of maybe a hockey stick, sort of straight but bent slightly in the middle. It moved fairly steadily across a clear sky then abruptly turned acutely, folding back on itself, then rapidly accelerating before disappearing behind a cloud. I waited for a good while, but it never came out from behind that cloud. There was zero sound and whole event only took about 5 or so seconds.

I’m completely baffled by this. I’m 100% certain this wasn’t any kind of aircraft or drone. It was definitely low enough initially to be well below the cloud base which itself was fairly low and it didn’t look anything like the nonsense stuff you see online.  

The closest explanation might have been some kind of searchlight or projection but that wouldn’t show as a solid against a perfectly clear sky plus a searchlight would have illuminated a cloud if it shone on it, but this thing went behind the cloud. I trawled the net las night to see if there was anyone else that might have seen this but no joy.

What can you say when witnessing something like this. I’d like to think that people here know me well enough to know I’m not some kind of looney or someone who harps on about aliens all the time. I saw what I saw even though I know it doesn’t make any sense.



Bill 😊

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"just look at the little red light"  🌟 "it was not an alien spaceship. sunlight shining off the water and reflected onto swamp gas that ignited" agent J  M.I.B.......:ph34r:

may have been one of those chinese dragon lanterns set off to celebrate some event or other. i have seen one or two in the past and your description sounds like one of those.

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Right colour I suppose but definitely no not a fire lantern Sid, I’ve seen plenty of those in all sorts of shapes and sizes. What I saw wasn’t something in the distance that I couldn’t quite make out. I got a really good look at it and for sure, it had a fuzzy or hazy appearance but given it was just below the cloud base it would have been huge.

We often see planes here coming into Liverpool at night with their lights on but this was nothing like that. I’ve seen the Euro fighter typhoon many a time pulling some crazy manoeuvres at the airshows but not even that can change directions and accelerate away like this did.

As I said earlier, I’ve seen loads of things that people could easily mistake as being ET so I’ve always been a bit sceptical about accepting what they claim to have seen. So now I find myself in the strange position where I know exactly what I saw but can’t explain and yet I don’t want to claim I’ve seen a UFO.

Ah well, I’m not going to lose any sleep over this unless they try to abduct me.  👽


Bill 😊

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