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Vaccine Passports ?

Observer II

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2 hours ago, Observer II said:

 It would make more sense to ban all venues for mass gatherings, which provide the spread fests for the virus.   😷

I have been amazed at the numbers now allowed into football games.

It's really overkill

The old way of limited access would be sensible until this damned virus is a lot less widespread

At the moment we are asking for trouble.

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The continuation of mass attendance events, especially those indoors is totally irresponsible imo; and will ensure continued flare ups, which will mean we'll never see the end of this pandemic.  As I expected, HMG are considering a "fire break" lockdown in October,  but unless these spread fests are ended, we'll see the hospitals filling up again this Winter.  Crazy.    😷

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ah the dear old government.

implement total lockdown and the masses start to rebel about.

implement release from lockdown with a few minor restrictions and the masses rebel against it.

Whatever the government does is wrong in other words, even when they do the right thing it is wrong to some people.....🤭

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If you analyse how you interact with people at a seated football match you will realise that the match itself provides only limited interaction face to face by the nature of how you get to and from your seat and sit in rows one behind the other. The super spreading is likely to arise from the partying outside the ground, the pubs and on public transport. The events themselves are probably not the problem rather the problem is the drunken idiots as it normally is. 

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The idea of a vaccine passport made sense when it was first suggested as it was thought vaccinated people wouldn’t spread the virus as much and at the same time it might encourage the younger generation to come forward for the jab.

If the current science is correct, then there’s little point in having a passport although I suppose it could filter out the idiots that believe it’s all just a big joke. Manchester United announced last week that they were going to ask supporters going into their ground about their vaccine status but if they refused to respond, they’d be let in anyway. I just don’t see the logic in that.

I go for a social drink a couple of times a week and by and large I feel relatively safe but if there’s a match on and a telly room full of drunken foottie fans then it’s generally time for me to leave.


Bill 😊

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The current vaccine surveillance report says that there is between 35% and 50% reduction in transmission of the virus after just one dose. So if everyone present is doubly vaccinated there is say 40% less chance of transmission. There is then at least a 70% reduction in symptomatic disease in the contacts. So the chances of needing a test and to isolate fall to 0.6*0.3 or 18% if everyone is double jabbed. To me that means that having vaccine passports required at football matches has a very significant effect in reducing the effective R and preventing super-spreading. Those one meets in the pub are not subject to the same reduction so your instincts are clearly correct Bill.

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Oh, I thought I heard that the vaccine had no effect on a person’s ability to get infected and pass it on to others. If as you suggest there’s a substantial reduction, then of course it would make sense to implement a passport system. Like most things with this virus, it’s not all black and white so even if something’s not 100%, we have to take anything that helps.


Bill 😊

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7 minutes ago, Bill said:

Oh, I thought I heard that the vaccine had no effect on a person’s ability to get infected and pass it on to others. If as you suggest there’s a substantial reduction, then of course it would make sense to implement a passport system. Like most things with this virus, it’s not all black and white so even if something’s not 100%, we have to take anything that helps.


Bill 😊

What you say is understandable because the opponents always say that it does not stop the possibility of it being passed on (given that transmission is not reduced by 100% that statement is true)  and then argue as if it had no effect at all. The broadcasters never correct this misleading behaviour. ( Well More or less on Radio 4 gets it right but opinion and a bit of news programmes don't.) Most of the BBCs output these days is more opinion than news. The Ofcom rules require that you can tell which is which!!

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I’m sort of pleased to hear that because although I have no great medical knowledge, I’ve always reasoned that a vaccinated person that breaths in a relatively small amount of the virus is more likely to be able to kill it off and so not spread it to others. My original analogy about haystacks and sparks seems to hold good then as a dampened down haystack could still catch fire but is less likely from just a few sparks.


Bill 😊


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9 hours ago, Bill said:

if you’re too old to own a smart phone you’re not likely to be wanting to go into the sort of crowded places where a passport is needed.  

Well that will put a crimp in the domino players plans then.....🤣

i ,as i have said many times, do not have a smart phone. i have no real need for a smart phone. the phone i have does enough for my needs.

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12 hours ago, Bill said:

Then again Davy, if you’re too old to own a smart phone you’re not likely to be wanting to go into the sort of crowded places where a passport is needed.  


Bill 😊

We still regularly burn the midnight oil ,Bill. 

There may be snow on the roof but there is still a fire in the grate .

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i was wrong about the how to boil and egg. i have just typed into google "how to boil and egg" this was the result * About 166,000,000 results (0.53 seconds)'*

as i child growing up i learnt to cook from both my mother and my grandmother, which means that i can cook quite a lot of different foods with some degree of confidence and success. although i have yet to try scones. have a recipe just need to get round to get sorting out some time and ingredients.


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i cook food to eat where they cook food to look at and charge a fortune for it.

big problem i have still, is cooking big meals. even mince, onions and rice i end up with enough for four and thats with one onion one bag of boil in the bag rice and 250g of mince. it gets eaten though,mostly by me.


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Seems like the government have given up trying to stem the increase and are content to let it continue given it’s not killing too many people. There’s always been a theory that says let it rip in the hope it’d eventually burn itself out but whether this is what they’re trying is anyone’s guess. Either way, I’m just going to continue avoiding any unnecessary contact with people until things look a bit better.   


Bill 😊  

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