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Blood Pressure


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Since my wife’s operation, she’s having to take blood pressure readings twice a day. No big deal with the modern tech stuff but why can’t they produce a simple gauge that shows blood pressure as being high or low. I’ve never understood what all the numbers mean, the doctor interprets them and tells me I’m ok but it would be nice to see something that easier for a thicko like me to understand.


Bill 😊

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Well Obs, you either didn’t read that or maybe I didn’t make it clear enough. I don’t need to buy one I’ve already got one and the whole point was why do we have to have parameters to establish whether something is high or low?

The doctors might need to know all three sets of numbers but it’d be good to see a simple pointer type gauge.


Bill 😊

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I think it's because other factors such as age, weight, physique and general health are taken into account by doctors when they take your BP. I suppose a BP gauge could be produced where these parameters could be preset for each person, but it's easier just to use the raw numbers and interpret them.

When I was diagnosed with hypertension I started taking my BP every day and keeping a record of it. When I showed the doctor my records he laughed and said once a week was plenty, although I suppose in your wife's case post operation they want to keep a close eye on it.

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But surely in this day and age with the super smart technology we have a simple indication based on age would be achievable.

Yes there are other health factors that can affect your blood pressure, trying to remember what the numbers should be would be bound to raise it a bit for one.

There is a chart that shows blood pressure by age range surely that can be incorporated into a bit of tech with a simple high or low or ok indicator.

Fitness watches can give you your blood pressure so a dial in age range would be easy to achieve.

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I guess it's how your gp or nurse interprets your particular readings and previous medical history.......

Mine is 140 over 80 and never raises an eyebrow just the comment"That's ok 👌" from my Dr or nurse so I guess my medication is doing the job in my particular case 

here is an example how time changes medical opinions............

The updated ACC and AHA guidelines recommend that older adults with a blood pressure reading of 130/80 mm Hg or higher be treated with medication. Previous recommendations set the threshold for high blood pressure treatment with medication for adults 65 or older at 150/80 mm Hg.

So if they don't worry I'm not going to either ☺️


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Tyres arn't a very good comparison Obs. When you check tyre pressures, a gauge indicates whether it’s too high or too low with a simple pointer or a single number while blood pressure involves the mathematical relationship between three numbers or five if you take account of age and weight.

The only part I understand is the pulse bit and as long as that’s above zero then it’s ok.


Bill 😊

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I check mine once a week and keep a note of it. It's steady at 132/80 and has been for the last 5 years or so. I'm supposed to have a check up with the BP nurse at my GP's every 6 months but they seem to have lost interest in anyone not at death's door..........................................................👻

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i do remember giving a pharmacist concern one time. they asked to do a medication check and did a blood pressure test. The blood pressure was fine but she was very concerned when she could not get a pulse.

The reason being that having had a stent fitted the pulse in my right wrist is almost impossible to find. she used my left arm and was still concerned that my pulse was 42, no idea what it should have been but as long as it is still at least one or to then i am alive.

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I remember going for a BP test in the states in the mid seventies and after three attempts the doc concluded that I must have veins like sewer pipes which I assume must have meant extremely low. Recent checks over here they just say it’s fine so I’m happy with that.


Bill 😊

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