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Should motorists be presumed liable in incidents where cyclists are injured or killed


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Mark Cavendish says motorists should be presumed liable in incidents where cyclists are injured or killed. http://road.cc/content/news/60231-mark-cavendish-says-motorists-should-be-presumed-liable-incidents-where-cyclists

There is already a campaign in Scotland to introduce a law where in the event of a cyclist being killed or injured the motorist will automatically be assumed to be totally responsible until proved otherwise.



I would suggest in the event of this law ever being introduced all motorists should fit a 'dash' cam.

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Maybe a better solution would be to make it compulsory for cyclist to wear helmets fitted with cameras. That way we'd not only see who was to blame but also all the tricks the cyclist got up to.


On the plus side of motor insurance, I did read the other day that new legislation kicks in today that prohibits passing on accident details and the claiming of referral fees and this is expected to reduce the annual motor insurance premiums next year by between 10/15%.


Bill :)

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I have a dash cam and have had for three years..... I often use it to film some of the crazy antics that cyclists get up to.....


NO.... drivers should not be presumed guilty or liable.... blame will more than likely rest with the cyclist as they tend to think they are invincible and have right of way over every other road user anyway

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Just got my Corsair out of the unit for the summer.... although it costs nothing in road tax (as it is 45 years old) it still costs me for an MOT and it is insured.... last year it did 112 miles which is probably a lot less than most serious cyclists do in a week and it costs them bugger all to do it!

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Well I for one would like to thank Warrington borough council for the gift of my free no obligation road map of Warrington. It has all the places that cyclist should avoid marked on it (well all the cycle lanes) and some interesting information for both cyclists and motorists. No doubt you have all received your free copy and probably consigned it to the recycle bin unread. So the cyclists now have no excuses for not using the approved cycle ways as they now all have maps of them.


It also states that "at speed" a cyclist should be able to cover a mile in 3 minutes. (about 20 mph) so the next time you are going along in your car in the twenty zone at the correct speed limit and a cyclist overtakes you he is definitely speeding and should be reported immediately. Just make a note of his cycle make and model and the easily identifiable number plate and then pull over to the side,switch off your engine, phone the police on your mobile and give them the details and location and time, before continuing on safely with your journey, happy in the knowledge that you have done your bit to make the roads that bit safer for all.(please note that you will probably get an earful from the person that answers the phone about wasting police time and pointing out that the chances of a prosecution or on the spot fine are something in the order of slim to none, that is unless you give them your name and address and then they will send you the fine for wasting police time)

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I recently was in an accident with a cyclist - I can tell you I was not at fault, the man drove into the side of my car, he thought he could beat me- those were his words. I have a nice dent in my car and no way will insurance pay for it! :|  So no, I think he accident should be based on exactly what happened!!!!

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You mean you didn't pull your gun out of the glove compartment and demand he paid you for the damage?! :lol:


the man was a cyclist.... she should have just shot him and claimed he attacked first!!

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