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Sainsbury's Warrington charging double for fuel ... Beware !!


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Visited Sainsburys fuel station in Warrington on Friday morning and filled up. I paid by debit card, inserted the card once, input my pin number once and left with my receipt fully paid for .... imagine my shock when I checked my online banking today to find that they have taken the payment twice ????  No indication on the receipt that this had happened. Spoke to my bank who informed me that I have been debited twice by Sainsburys and I need to go back and challenge them ???


I wonder how many other unfortunate souls have had the same happen but not spotted this ??  Sainsburys could make a fortune doing this and I seriously believe an investigation is required here !!! If any Sainsburys management is reading this can I suggest you contact me as soon as possible as I think this is a headline story for the local press !!!!


Yet again the public being ripped off by the big boys on the high street .... :evil:  :x

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 I have just had a quick run through of Forum members in my mind and I can imagine a grand total of none being Sainsburys Management.

 It will be a glitch in the system and you will be reimbursed without becoming front page news; anyone who doesn't check their transactions is a fool..

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Wrong Eagle very Wrong !!!! no glitch at all, the bank have stated that the transaction was processed twice manually by the till operator and believe it or not I have spoken to Sainsburys tonight and been told that it is up to me to prove they have done this before they will reimburse me !!!  Hope it never happens to you ........ then you may see its not as clear cut and easy as you think .... are the people you refer too as a fool entitled to be ripped off in this way ?? :|

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It does sound more like a genuine mistake than a deep-rooted conspiracy by Sainsbury's to rip everyone off.


But surly if the records show the exact same amount of petrol purchases going through twice in a matter of seconds then no reasonable person could argue that that could be anything but a mistake.


On the other hand though, if you accuse them of trying to somehow rip you off then it wouldn't surprise me that they say the same in return.


It's a mistake James and just needs sorting out without the emotion or the threat of turning it into a major news story.


Bill :)

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?????? ok I give up , sorry to try and warn others to watch out ......

you should have blamed the EU if you wanted a sympathetic ear in this place,  or at least said that the sales assistant was an Eastern European immigrant. :wink:


Its a cock up not a conspiracy and you will get your dosh back without invoking the mighty power of a Warrington Worldwide headline.

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I hope you get it sorted Indy and thanks for the warning.


I guess if they want proof from YOU all you have to go is take a copy of your bank statement with you and show them to two transactions.  Were they pretty much at the same time ?

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