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Money Saving Tips, hints and advice


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Like the title says.....


Has anyone got any money saving tips, hints and advice to share.


I'm on a mission and with costs of everything rising there must be loads of ways to save money apart from the obvious.


The first person to simply say 'stop spending it' gets a green - reputation mark :lol:


What started my mission was my other half's bank statement ... AA membership renewal went our last month he grumbled as usual and end of it. Not much dearer than other years he said but like I say I am on a mission.


Result.... I just got hom a £60 refund. Told him I could but he didn't believe me :D 1 point to Dizzy.


Then came our caravan insurance. We started paying £24 a month 7 years ago and it's now £34. Not a huge increase said other half but then again they give you the monthly charge so it doesn't seem big does it :wink:


One phone call and insuarnce now £11.50 a month for a far better level of insurance and additional benefits. 2 points to Dizzy


So any other ideas of how to save money apart from the blindingly obvious such as shopping around.


I need 10 points by the end of the week :D


Off to google now and if I find any I'll let you know too

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bloody hell...too late I clicked 'post'. I'll get all the rugby lot on here now talking about racism and balls :|


Gary/Admin can you please correct the spelling in my title again please... I really must check my more carefully now that we can't edit our own titles. :oops: What a muppet :lol:

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Pay for shopping in cash whenever possible, don't use your debit card, nothing makes you rein in un-necessary spending like seeing the hard cash you had at the start of the week dwindle before your eyes!


If you're going to the local shop for a pint of milk or a loaf of bread, just take enough money for what you're going for. No room for impulse buying then!

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Now that's a really good idea and you are so right Inky and I'll definately try that one....


I popped to the village today for hay fever tablets and some rice. I spent ages getting the best deal on the tablets (cheaper make but exactly the same ingredients as the dearer ones and also buy one get one free) Savings again.


Then I went into the co-op for rice and bought a load of other stuff I didn't really need £23 in total... paid for with swith card as usual.


Cash only... brilliant idea :D

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ELECTRICITY!!!! We have been here before. Do something about it. :roll::shock:


Very constructive Peter... I said apart from the blummin' obvious. There's already a couple of topics about elec anyway so keep that over there please :P

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Very constructive Peter... I said apart from the blummin' obvious. There's already a couple of topics about elec anyway so keep that over there please :P



You have to start with the obvious as they are normally the most costly.

Did you know that a 4 pint can be 50p cheaper at Farmfoods and Lidls and that you can freeze it?

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bloody hell...too late I clicked 'post'. I'll get all the rugby lot on here now talking about racism and balls :|


Gary/Admin can you please correct the spelling in my title again please... I really must check my more carefully now that we can't edit our own titles. :oops: What a muppet :lol:


You need to use the full edit facility - do you not see that? :blink:

Also Utility Warehouse - you will save money!

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Good chart on here which shows the average electricity consumption of things which are left on STANDBY.


Doesn't really apply to our house as we never really leave things plugged in but may be uselful for others.


Maybe I should turn my printer off when I'm not using it though as it's on all the time and mostly not being used. :blink:


Tabs at the top for various item groups.



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Good chart on here which shows the average electricity consumption of things which are left on STANDBY.


Doesn't really apply to our house as we never really leave things plugged in but may be uselful for others.


Maybe I should turn my printer off when I'm not using it though as it's on all the time and mostly not being used. :blink:


Tabs at the top for various item groups.




What's a rear projection TV? Also, how can things use electric if turned off? :shock:

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