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Web Design Software Advice


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Has anyone used any web site design software that they would recommend and preferably WYSIWYG rather than having to use manual HTML code as that's only for clever people :wink::lol:


It needs to be able to produce professional looking websites and be versatile (ie you can put text, images, links, change colours etc etc wherever you want to) unlike some of the other template orientated packages that I've ever seen.


Ta :D

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It may just be me, but over the years I have tried several web site design packages and come to the conclusion that doing it manually in HTML is, in fact, the most simple, straight forward way of doing it.

Don't think you need to be too clever - just patient!

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Has anyone used any web site design software that they would recommend and preferably WYSIWYG rather than having to use manual HTML code as that's only for clever people :wink::lol:


It needs to be able to produce professional looking websites and be versatile (ie you can put text, images, links, change colours etc etc wherever you want to) unlike some of the other template orientated packages that I've ever seen.


Ta :D


Try Serif Webplus


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There is always microsoft frontpage if that is still going. Once did a course in it in the distant past but never used it to produce a webpage in anger.Think it was part of the microsoft office package at one time, which is why I have it on my pc probably, but it was a long time back that I used it and cannot really say if it is that good or not.(trying to remember yesterday is hard enough) :lol:

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Thanks all.....


Gary... advertising on the forum pages tut tut :lol::P Know what you mean though but if yours can do one for around ?100 which is uptatable whenever they want it to be then I will pass the details on.


Egbert... you are right but you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned HTML and patience. The patience level we are talking about here is virtually non existent so that's out I'm afraid :lol:


Evils / BazJ...... Never through about frontpage as I've never actually bothered to use it myself although I did have a quick peak at it many years ago for about 15 minutes. Is it any good ?


Wolfie have you used Serif Webplus yourself ? ... it looks pretty good but then all things do when someones trying to sell them eh. Has a good rating though and seems to be compared to Xara which also has quite good ratings for the wysisyg (but probablly wanted more) ones I've read about today.


Anyway I've downloaded a trial one to try out (cant remember which one now) so will have a play tomorrow.


Thanks again all ...sleep time now :D

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Nice website Bill but you need to name your pages better :wink: Like the bit about the cardboard boxes :lol:


Wolfie recomended Serif plus too and it was a toss up between that and another... and the other won but for no reason really other the pc shop didn't have serif in stock.


The other is pretty good though and I've been having fun..... web's still in development stage and needs some tweaking and changes but take a look


:oops:Dizzy moderated her own post as it went against forum advertining rules :lol::oops:

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Good grief what did I just do... Gary would have had my guts for garters for puting a business type link on here :lol:


Bill, so as not to cause you any offence by editing your post too (as I know you don't like me doing it :wink: ) may I politely suggest that you also delete your link to your own companies website immediately so that your guts aren't used too 8):lol:

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You can ask Dizz but it's a bit pointless don't you think given we all have the option to display our websites on our profiles. :lol:


If it's not been a problem in all these years I dont think I need to panic just now! :lol:


Bill :)

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Nope it was me. (totally unprofessional)!


The intention was to rough out the basics then hand it over to a web desiner to make it look a bit better. Ended up getting a bit busy and never go round to doing it.


Bill :)

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You can ask Dizz but it's a bit pointless don't you think given we all have the option to display our websites on our profiles. :lol:


If it's not been a problem in all these years I dont think I need to panic just now! :lol:


Bill :)


Oooh I think you may have just shot yourself in the foot there Bill... web links tend to be deleted now depending on what they relate to. I was going to delete your post for you...but you would have told me off :wink::lol:


Over all I think your websites pretty good considering you did it yourself but personally I don't really like your company name in the red blurry writing at the top and the wishy washy blue background though :oops:.


It's concise, easy to navigate though and sounds a really friendly company. I like your content too especially the bit about cardboard boxes and no advertising... I would be drawn to you by your friendly website/company approach :wink:


As you say you never need to advertise as all your work comes via word of mouth then you aren't relying on your website that much I guess so is there any point in you paying out for a costly web designer ?


I'm still not brave enough to put my link back though to show the ones I've been doing :shock:


I'll pm it to you Bill and if you ever want your's tweaking... :wink:

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Oooh I think you may have just shot yourself in the foot there Bill...


I?d have thought it was quite easy to differentiate between a regular poster replying to a direct question and that of a dodgey individual intent on spamming.

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