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The Grand Plan....


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We have scientists talking about the 1.5 degree temperature danger level being reached at some time in the next 5 years.

I do wonder is all this global warming just part of a natural progression from the birth of the planet ,through life on earth with all it variations & a seemingly intelligently dominant species that has survived & apparently become too clever for the good of everything on earth? Is our evolution in line with the evolution of the earth ,with some species dying out while others flourish to exploit the planets resources ,even to the point of total destruction ?

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The way I look at it according to my school history lessons once this country was a semi tropical jungle with sabre toothed tigers roaming around and then we had the ice age such massive changes that disconnected the land link we had with Europe at the same time.(which was a tremendous bonus!!) so we've already done the climate change thing in good style.

Now scientists are waffling about something we can't even see happening.


We should just go with the flow and accept whatever turns up along the centuries.

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There have been 5 global extinctions since life on Earth began, and all occured without the presence of human kind.  So I think it's safe to assume that, wasteful and exploitative as we are;  nature will continue to develop with or without us, until in about 5 billion years time when our sun explodes into a super-nova.   😉

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Yes.  Weather is weather and it will do whatever it decides to do at any particular time.  Billions of years ago UK was a primeval    forest and was at one time connected directly to the continent.  There was no pollution nor probably any humans to influence it at that time, it all changed naturally.

Self important people cannot risk the urge to want to seem smarter than the rest of of us and are constantly promoting screwball theories to prove it.  They are no better than the witch doctors who shake sticks at the sky and demand rain.

The evidence presented is not evidence, it’s opinion.  They somehow come up with facts like ‘the oceans have risen 2” in the last twenty years, therefore a hundred years from now there will be a catastrophe.  This from people who get tomorrow’s weather forecast wrong !    I’m still waiting for the new ice age predicted in the fifties, and for the six feet of water that was supposed to cover New York City in 2004 .

Worry about ground level pollution for health reasons, but leave the management of the heavens to God.

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These scientists with their predictions are just touting for funding. If what they say is correct, why do they need money to research it, it's going to happen regardless. If what they say is not correct then they're talking through their fundaments. Que sera sera, whatever will be will be, the future's not ours to see, que sera sera. (They would be great lyrics for a song, I wonder if anyone could set them to music? Could be a money-spinner!)

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I was watching a programme a couple of years ago & it showed this super glacier in Alaska that had shortened by about half a mile in 150 years , even before pollution was as bad as it is today. The ranger had to keep moving his hut as the glacier shrank, so to speak.

The rising sea levels  could even provide irrigation opportunities for the planets barren lands.

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We’ve all heard for years about how the Polar Bears are going to be dropping like flies unless we give up cars, coal and farting !  Has anyone ever seen a dead Polar Bear yet ?

It’s just another scam that is a great indicator of the intelligence of the worlds ruling politicians.  No wonder we can never solve any problems, if they’ll swallow this they’ll swallow anything.  
I say scam because of the barefaced facts about finance in this mess.  It would be comical if it wasn’t for the monstrous bill attached to this fantasy.  Take the Paris Accords, signees would be split into two groups, one donating money and one receiving money ( someone may nit pick me on that, but that is the essence).  Y’all would be sending money to Yemen and India etc, to help them develop cleaner fuels. - we all know where that money would go.  In the case of the US, it amounts to trillions of dollars to almost every country in the world including China!, thank God Trump told them to kiss this!  However the idiot in charge now wants to sign it, hopefully only a couple of Democrats need to cross the aisle to kill it.

Believe me, kids of the future don’t need to worry too much about the climate or Al Queda,  what is going to devastate them and the world are left wing liberals, that who we should be banning.



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