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Not such a livewire

Nick Tessla

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Just had a look at the site for Livewire - the new hip, happening, with-it* brand for library and leisure services in the borough.


There is an ebook service - but it is not compatible with kindle - pardon my ignorance, but isn't that a bit pants?






* you can tell I keep up with the latest lingo :rolleyes:

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Which is one reason why I did not buy a kindle and opted for an e-reader that uses the E-Pub format amongst others. Means I can download books from just about anywhere instead of being slaved to the Amazon site or hoping that the book I want has been put in a format I can use.


haven't yet had a look at the new site but will have a scan of it when i get chance. never know may prompt me to join the library again.

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Does seem a bit pants Nick as loads of people have Kindles and other android readers.


Can't see the point in them myself though <_<



BAH HUMBUG. I wouldn't be without my Kindle. Spend many an hour reading mine. VERY user friendly.

You need to catch up with technology Dizzy, even FB has its uses. :P

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I use the free Kindle application for my laptop. I still have a house full of real books, but often have to read where there is very little lighting. Having a laptop with a choice of 400-500 books on it means I can always find something. It also means I can come onto this forum in between when I'm somewhere with WiFi. I also have a rather old palm size computer with e-format books on, but as the battery is getting on a bit - don't use it as much - even though I really prefer the format to Kindle.

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BAH HUMBUG. I wouldn't be without my Kindle. Spend many an hour reading mine. VERY user friendly.

You need to catch up with technology Dizzy, even FB has its uses. :P


Might be user friendly Peter... but only if you like reading books :oops::wink:

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I'll stick with my sony e reader. not much different to the kindle touch apart from not having a colour screen but that is not a disadvantage as I don't need it for reading black on white.


I have a couple of e book readers on my pc and laptop and about a hundred or so of the free e books from various sites.


only disadvantage is that it would cost me a small fortune to get all the books I currently have on my shelves in e book format.

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The main advantage I find with my Kindle is the battery life. The thing will genuinely go a full month of regular use between charges.


Plus, the "e-paper" type of screen they use causes little or no eye-strain and is much easier to read in strong sunlight than the LCD screen of a laptop or other type of e-reader.


I used to have to carry at least half a dozen thick paperbacks in my suitcase when going on holiday for a fortnight. Having a thousand or so on my Kindle has made it much easier to stay within my baggage allowance. I've also got PDF service manuals and parts catalogues for work on there and can use the Kindle in secure sites where laptops and other devices which contain cameras or could be used to copy sensitive data are banned.


I use a piece of software called Calibre to convert just about any file format into the e-pub files which Kindle uses so I can get my books from just about anywhere - I even bought a couple of CD's from e-bay for the pricely sum of a tenner or so with about 10,000 novels and collections of short stories on each.


And I know people who subscribe to various newspapers or periodicals via Kindle, the latest edition of them just loads into the Kindle automatically via Wi-fi or 3G. Great for your UK newspapers when you're abroad.

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I use a piece of software called Calibre to convert just about any file format into the e-pub files which Kindle uses


Inky, I thought it was the EPub file that had to be converted, to a format that Kindle does recognize eg(MOBI) :unsure: :unsure:

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Inky, I thought it was the EPub file that had to be converted, to a format that Kindle does recognize eg(MOBI) :unsure: :unsure:


Correct. That's me typing faster than I'm thinking.


Although in my defence Calibre converts files so seemlessly that you're not really aware of what format it's going from and to.


Current Kindles do support PDF files as they are though.

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