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car headlights on during day


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Am I alone in being fed up with some motorists having their headlights on during the day?

I am aware that some idiot in Brussels ahs issued his or her directive that all new cars from 2011 should have lights that come on on ignition swithch on. This stupid suggestion that has been feverently endorsed by our Scottish transport minister probably on the advice of his communist civil servants.


however I believe this is dangerous especially when rear lights are always on and it is not clear during the day when the brake lights come on, so there are likely to be more shunts under this ridiculous edict.

this country has never found the need to have lights on during the day and I see no reason why this should change.

It is interesting to note that most of the drivers of lit up vehicles were women. Perhaps they think (?) that lights will prevent their being in an accident ... or perhaps they just press a lot of switches to make the car go and lights are one of these.

Whatever, I wish these people would desist, or - if they cannot see other traffic during the day - go and get their eyes tested.

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I think you need your eyes checked matey, there is a vast diffrence between rear lights and brake lights.


I'm a big fan of volvo's and theres no reason why all cars should not have lights on in such a fassion.


one thing I might agree with is the banning of halogen lights...especialy on motorcycles who seem to be at the perfect hight to blind every motorist in front.

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It's totally unnecessary and a waste of energy. Lights should be used when the background light is poor and there is no need for them at other times. Loads of people signed a petition relating to this last year showing overwelming support for leaving things as they are so why do we have to change?

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Its not a question of you seeing the car but when you see it!! 50 meters or 100 meters makes a big difference when your driving 40 tons that wont stop within 50meters...


I am fairly safe when it comes to the crunch are you in your car??


All our drivers drive with their lights on during the day..



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None,but then again a lot of the Germans drive with lights on anyway..

I prefer to see and be seen..and talking of driving over the years the Brit driving mentality is unbelieveable,i still cant fathom out why everyone drives in the middle lane when the left hand lane is free??but thats nother topic :wink:




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Your driving 40 tons of whatever and you are frightened of not being seen, you have never had an accident when you weren't assisted by lights but you now depend on them;Oh and before I forget you think all British drivers ignore the left hand lane and all German drivers are perfect.


You couldn't just say " I think its a good idea " we had to get the reminder that you haven't been British for a long time.


I you are pushing a pram cars with lights on in daylight are a nuisance. :wink:

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Here we go again..


1,no i am not frightend why should i be? in a crash you would most likely come off far worst then i would.


2 using light makes it a little less likely that you will be overseen,


3 Germans are not perfect far from it but a little more disciplined than a lot of the Brit Drivers.


4 I am British and pround of it,so dont ever try to tell me i am not British.


5 what the hell does

"I you are pushing a pram cars with lights on in daylight are a nuisance."

If that was in English i might be able to understand what your harping on about.. :P


Greeting from wind torn Germany




[ 01.03.2008, 06:58: Message edited by: Steve the original ]

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Transport Minister Jim Fitzpatrick admitted this week that the rules, which will come into force in 2011 and relate to new cars, would lead to annual fuel consumption rising by 5 per cent.



According to AA figures, for the average family-sized car, driving the average 8,770 miles a year, this would increase fuel costs by ?68 a year at today's prices.


That is based on a car doing 31 miles per gallon. But some models do only 13mpg, meaning the increase could be as much as ?160 a year.



Heavy goods vehicles would see costs shoot up by ?260 a year, based on the average 8.1mpg rate.

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Some parts of USA request that headlights are switched on This is bacause of lang staraight roads where drivers have been known to become distracted. Same in Australia.


NOT in city or town roads whare headlights can dazzle oncoming traffic .

Thia is a stupid regulation and should be ignored.

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Originally posted by Agamemnon:

Point taken Steve , There are pros and cons on both sides. :( And , yes you are right about lane disciplin, I have thought for a long time now that motorway driving and lane disciplin should play a larger part in driving lessons and the test .

Agreed a lot of pro?s and cons for lights.


Well i would like to think that i would know if the car in front of me had its lights on or not simply by seeing the Vehicle in front and not just the road surface :D and lets not forget the safe breaking space between vehicles :wink:

I dont know what the rule is for foglights in the UK, here they are only on if your visability is less than 50meters or its a fine and 1 point


I think we could go on for ages about this and still not be convinced one way or another.....


As for the extra fuel cost?s !! how much is a life worth??



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Go teach your grandmother to suck eggs Steve :D:D:D


Eeee lad i were driving in Germany when yer was nobbut a lad in short trousers and a runny nose !

Had no problem wit th lights on me Churchill Tank then ! :wink::wink: :confused:


[ 04.03.2008, 20:16: Message edited by: Agamemnon ]

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  • 1 month later...

Think about all that extra Carbon that we will burn after 2011 when all cars have lights on permenado!


Bulbs will burn our quicker, eating the world's resources, altenators work a bit harder using more fuel; I could go on, but boring myself now.


I suppose that I like the idea that Mary says they do in the colonies and have light sensitive lights. However if you are a sensible and responsible driver with half an ounce, you put your lights on when road/weather conditions or the law demands.



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