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Good pub Bad pub?


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Saw a thing on telly last week that said that on average, 15 pubs are closing down every day due primarily to a combination of cheap supermarket drinks and the smoking ban. It?s not all bad though because in the main it seems to be sort of pubs I?d never visit that seem to be failing and of course it does mean that those left get more trade.


My local (the Plough at Houghton Green) seems to be doing very well and in fact, last week it won the Camera (Campaign for real ale) award for the best pub in Northwest Cheshire! Highly recommended if you like a good and varied selection of real ales but don?t go there if you?re a stick in the mud that?s not prepared to try an alternative from the run of the mill mass produced beers.


So what do others think? Good pub bad pub and the reasons why.


Bill :)

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TBH pubs have been dying on their feet for years it has just been highlighted over the last couple of years since the smoking ban & what is not helping are the regular price hikes that are taking place coupled with ,if needed,taxi fares to & from your watering hole of choice.I think also that what used to the normal entertainment for working class people,a night in the pub, is no longer relevant due to varied choice other entertainment even if just sat at home in front of your home cinema system with a few friends drinking what you want ,smoking when/what you want, all in relative safety away from the roaming yobs.The private house is becoming the new public house & saving people a fortune.


I don't like at-home drinking but Bill i fear that in 5 or 10 years this topic will be re-titled,by yourself i hope, "good supermarket,bad supermarket".

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Some valid points there but I think the pubs will survive albeit at a level much less than we see these days. I suppose it depends on what you go to the pub for i.e. to just drink or to drink and socialise and for me it?s the latter.


I think also it depends very much on how much interaction you have with others, for example, I work in a small office and only get to talk to the same few people each day so chatting with others outside this small group is refreshing. I?ve tried talking to the telly but it?s a one way conversation (bit like taking to the wife!) :lol:


Bill :)

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Lots of Warrington's old traditional pubs have now closed down like the Golden Lion and Black Bear on Knutsford Road and The Railway at Latchford.

When I was a little younger a trip to the pub was probably 2-3 times a week - now it is probably once a month if I am lucky.

It is not the cost or the smoking ban - it is simply not having enough time. :cry:

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the trouble with pubs these days is the owners arent particular who they get to run them anyone can get a pub as long as they have the deposit,a lot of people blame the smoking ban which didnt help a lot of the blame must go on the owners themselves being too greedy with rent and costs of beer.

i dont know about warrington but a lot have closed in st.helens and every shop that closes it is re-opened as a bar all the pubs are being taken over by the d h s s.

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