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Clueless Starmer -

Observer II

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Seems Labour have no answer to storing excess migrants on barges, are to continue with the practise if elected.   They still insist that the illegal migrants, 80% of whom are young males of military age, are all desperate refugees, despite having paid £thousands to traffickers, to get here.   Whilst the Tories still play around with the issue, instead of leaving the ECHR and implimenting the Rwanda plan,  we've got the loony left lawyers now objecting to the placement of migrants on boats due to their fear of water, didn't stop them arriving in unsafe boats from France though.   With 70% support in polls for the deportation of these asylum seekers, why can't Sunack just get a grip ?       😠

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What I don’t understand about all this is the costs they’re talking about and I get the feeling that someone must be cashing in on the process. It’s been reported that it would cost about £170,000 to send each asylum seeker to Rwanda and for the latest idea of using Assentation Island, that rises to an eye watering £1,000,000. Are they using business class or something?


Bill 😊

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A point that's been avoided since this nonsense started, is why don't we physically stop the boats, grapple them and tow them back to the French coast - sorted.  As we know, with a woke civil service, UKBF and RN, the folk who should be following such orders are refusing to do so.  I'm sure that security contractors could be hired to do the job.   Likewise, de-woke the Home Office, sack unresponsive civil servants and fill the vetting posts with commited staff, with a predisposition to refuse asylum claims, and arrange deportations.  It's called "getting a grip" and responding to the vast majority of public opinion which wants this farce ended.   😠

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they should be given a chance to claim asylum.

if they cannot provide sufficient proof then immediate deportation.

out the court strait onto a plane and off they go, no appeals or investigations needed.

one lawyer appointed at the court per day at the lawyers expense to deal with as many cases as come up.

One hercules transport plane on standby once it is full off they go, provide them with a parachute each  and open the back door when at their destination.

save fuel on the landing and take off and will provide material for a make shift shelter when they land.

of course there are some that would say that was the soft option and would not provide a parachute.

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Maybe so Con but it still doesn’t explain why they claim it costs a million pounds per person. If I wanted to fly to Ascension economy, it’d be a bit convoluted going via Johannesburg and St Helena, but I bet it wouldn’t cost much more than a couple of thousand, so where does all the extra go?

It’s almost like an excuse for not doing anything which is the only thing that we seem good at doing. Sids idea of a quick court turn around and instant deportation of the failures might work in other countries but not here. We seem to have evolved into a society where everything takes forever to happen.


Bill 😊

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Why don't the lawyers take on the French for allowing vulnerable people to enter dangerous waters in unsafe boats? There must be an EU H&S regulation to cover that.

As for the barge ,surely it is luxury compared to the ramshackle shanty towns they have endured whilst waiting for passage to Britain.

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The French make no provision to house these migrants, hence the camps around Calais, and rightly accuse us of being too soft and generous, thus creating a pull factor for these migrants.   The Gov don't seem capable of bringing in the necessary draconian measures to end this farce.   😠

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