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Who's flag ?

Observer II

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It’s a shame about the young girl but would the council have flown a flag for any other young person killed in the town?

If a flag must be flown, then it should be the traditional half-mast union flag rather than a woke inspired one indicating sexuality preferences.



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perhaps we should get them to erect a separate flag pole for such occasions and leave the main flagpole for state occasions.

what gender a human being identifies as is their concern, if they feel the need to announce it to the world then fine as long as they don't go banging on about all the time.

my personal view about it is you only have to tell me once not every five minutes. the reason being is that i don't really care what you identify as so long as you are polite that is all that should matter.

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Just been talking to my Nephew, who has a daughter at a school in Culcheth, and he's discovered that the school are holding "LBGT Lessons"  for kids as young as 11, and have told the kids NOT to tell their parents. If this is true, then it's completely out of order, imo parents have the right to know and approve or not, of anything that is being imprinted on their child's brain.   😠

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up until i was eleven we were taught reading,(English and some French), Writing, (English and some French) mathematics, adding up taking away and multiplying, French, because at the time we were about to join the EU. PT because they thought we should get healthy exercise.

after age eleven it was off to secondary education and history,geography,music,art, mathematics, English language,woodworking,metal working,science and chemistry, oh and PT on a Friday afternoon.

sex education was a single lesson when you were about fifteen that lasted one hour and that was all we got to guide us through the complexities of sex. an hour explaining what was done and how and nothing else.

no PC nonsense, although it was starting to creep in by then but only to the extent of not calling ethnic minorities derogatory names. homosexuals were mostly derided as queers or limp wristed and not to turn your back on unless you were against a wall. (lesbians were thought of as natives of lesbos and nothing more.)

teaching was about teaching life skills and setting you up with the basic tools to get a decent job and support your family and that was about it.

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On 2/17/2023 at 8:42 PM, Bill said:

It’s a shame about the young girl but would the council have flown a flag for any other young person killed in the town?

If a flag must be flown, then it should be the traditional half-mast union flag rather than a woke inspired one indicating sexuality preferences.



It's not a flag about sexual preference. It's about gender identity. 

That poor kid. Dreadful everything about their murder, including the way it has been exploited. And I'm sure as soon as Charlotte Nichols returns from wherever she is, she'll be exploiting it too.  

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I don’t think it works quite like that. As I understand it, no one is 100% male or female and there’s always a bit of the other in each. For some it’s a bit more than a bit and that might explain why we’ve always had some girls being classed as “Tomboys” or not so masculine men. It’s a biological thing inherited at birth but these days it seems to be turning more into a lifestyle choice.


Bill 😊

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In scientific terms, it's xx or xy, in physical terms it's one genitalia or the other;  of course their exists variations in brain led degrees, which cause ambiguity, but that doesn't alter the physical reality imposed at birth.   We're back to the arrogance of humanity, which decrees that life and natures realities can be changed, merely because we want it so.    :rolleyes:

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49 minutes ago, Observer II said:

In scientific terms, it's xx or xy, in physical terms it's one genitalia or the other; 

Actually there is a class of persons born intersex with elements of both types of genitalia. Which sex their mind is aligned to is not easily determined. There have been recorded cases of doctors intervening surgically when the child is a baby only to find out they chose wrong later. I am unsure what the impact is on chromosomes for such a person but I suspect it is probably fixed one way or the other but the rest of their genetic make-up causes this to be expressed unusually at the relevant time in development. The point is that there is a spectrum on which most people are at one end or another, but not everyone, and the reality is that surgical or other interventions don't change that. We just need to understand that not everyone can be either pigeon-holed or changed and be tolerant. Wokeys are the opposite of tolerant.

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"i yam what i yam an that's all as i yam" popeye

At what age is a person reliably able to decide what gender or not they are or identify as and can they change their minds at a later date once they have decided? (This is not the same as what sexual preference they have strangely enough.)

if the answer is yes they can change their minds then you could have the scenario where somebody identifies as a male on Mondays and Wednesdays, female on Tuesdays and Thursdays, a neutral on Fridays and a pink flamingo on the weekend.

in the end it is about tolerance or lack thereof.

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2 hours ago, Evil Sid said:

"i yam what i yam an that's all as i yam" popeye

At what age is a person reliably able to decide what gender or not they are or identify as and can they change their minds at a later date once they have decided? (This is not the same as what sexual preference they have strangely enough.)

if the answer is yes they can change their minds then you could have the scenario where somebody identifies as a male on Mondays and Wednesdays, female on Tuesdays and Thursdays, a neutral on Fridays and a pink flamingo on the weekend.

in the end it is about tolerance or lack thereof.

That already happens. 

I hope a compromise is reached soon on it all so that trans people can live in peace and women can be assured that not every creep, chancer, abuser and rapist can just infiltrate their spaces on his say so. 

I'm not calling trans people those things. But it's beyond obvious that some males will exploit a system like the one proposed in Scotland and Wales. Has already happened in fact. This is about a whole spectrum of women's rights that the most rabid activists would strip away.

As for the age thing, complex issue beyond a messageboard. But anybody who thinks that a child that can't buy a pint of beer, vote or drive a car, is able to consent to having life changing surgery and medication at any age is either stupid, mental or has other motives that aren't about the wellbeing of the child. There are some good books out there on the subject.  

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That’s true, but youngsters begin to question their sexuality well before they’re legally old enough to do many things, and it’s not helped by the amount airtime the subject’s given.

Telling kids that it’s normal to question their sexuality is one thing but gender changing isn’t “normal” and if we’re brutally honest, neither is being gay. I have no issues with the gay community apart from those who insist we all should be celebrating gaynes, holding parades or waving flags. 


Bill 😊

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Trying to portray the abnormal as the norm, when the abnormal constitutes a tiny proportion of the population, seems a perverse attempt to brainwash society.  Whilst minorities can be tolerated, encouragement is a different matter.   If this trend continues, when are we going to reach the stage where pedaphilia becomes acceptable ?     :rolleyes:

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13 hours ago, Observer II said:

Trying to portray the abnormal as the norm, when the abnormal constitutes a tiny proportion of the population, seems a perverse attempt to brainwash society.  Whilst minorities can be tolerated, encouragement is a different matter.   If this trend continues, when are we going to reach the stage where pedaphilia becomes acceptable ?     :rolleyes:

Unfortunately the movement for that already exists, much to the horror of gay and lesbian people who are increasingly finding themselves under the same flag. The attempt to define paedophilia as a 'sexuality' harks back to the days of the PIE. It's often now rebranded as 'Minor Attracted Person', usually with an argument that most of them don't offend, meaning they don't themselves have sex with children. They just get off on other people doing it. 

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Blimey, your'e up early!

We’ve come a long way from the time when you could end up in prison for being gay and that’s not a bad thing, but the line between what’s acceptable and what’s legal does start to look a bit blurred. So if someone “gets off” watching child pornography but doesn’t actually take any part of it, does that cross that line? It’s a difficult subject and I reckon that our politicians wish it would all go away.

What I don’t understand is why there seems to be a growing trend in this sort of thing. There’s always been gay people, but it seems to me that the numbers are growing and we need to ask if this is this simply because it’s now seen as acceptable or is there something else in play? I’ve heard stories suggesting that estrogen from the birth control pill could be finding it’s way back into the water supply and that could be having some long term effect, and if that’s true we could all end up being gay. 😄


Bill 😊

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1 hour ago, Bill said:

What I don’t understand is why there seems to be a growing trend in this sort of thing.

i think in part it is media exposure and part that is has become more acceptable rather than something that "isn't talked about in polite company and especially in front of the vicar, more tea vicar?"

the estrogen theory i could not say one way or the other, yes i have heard such 'stories' before but like any other theory it is a pick and mix which 'expert' you choose to believe.

the thing is it is usually impossible to tell from looking at a person what their sexual preference is, so unless they tell you outright then you just have to assume they are whatever sex they appear to be on the outside.

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2 hours ago, Bill said:

Blimey, your'e up early!

We’ve come a long way from the time when you could end up in prison for being gay and that’s not a bad thing, but the line between what’s acceptable and what’s legal does start to look a bit blurred. So if someone “gets off” watching child pornography but doesn’t actually take any part of it, does that cross that line? It’s a difficult subject and I reckon that our politicians wish it would all go away.

What I don’t understand is why there seems to be a growing trend in this sort of thing. There’s always been gay people, but it seems to me that the numbers are growing and we need to ask if this is this simply because it’s now seen as acceptable or is there something else in play? I’ve heard stories suggesting that estrogen from the birth control pill could be finding it’s way back into the water supply and that could be having some long term effect, and if that’s true we could all end up being gay. 😄


Bill 😊

We're on deadline for one of the magazines we publish. I've just had breakfast and already I'm knackered :)

Watching child porn creates a demand for it but the scumbags who do it think it lets them off the hook. It really doesn't. 

I don't think the number of gay people is increasing, but perhaps the number of openly gay people is because there is less stigma. What is interesting to me is the number of clearly straight people who label themselves 'queer' nowadays. It's a product of social media, identity politics and porn, in my opinion. Not much cachet in being white and straight. Many men in particular are addled by porn.

One of the barmy outcrops of all this nonsense is the idea some people have that, once you believe 'transwomen are women', and that includes the vast majority who remain biologically intact males, or are autogynephiles, it logically follows that a lesbian should be willing to have sex with somebody with a penis. A lot of lesbians understandably don't see things that way.   

BTW, trans-racialism is becoming a thing for some of the same reasons. Same goes for the explosion in the number of people who claim to be neurodivergent. 

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1 hour ago, Evil Sid said:

i think in part it is media exposure and part that is has become more acceptable rather than something that "isn't talked about in polite company and especially in front of the vicar, more tea vicar?"

the estrogen theory i could not say one way or the other, yes i have heard such 'stories' before but like any other theory it is a pick and mix which 'expert' you choose to believe.

the thing is it is usually impossible to tell from looking at a person what their sexual preference is, so unless they tell you outright then you just have to assume they are whatever sex they appear to be on the outside.

It may be hard to tell their sexuality but it's very easy in almost every case to discern their sex. They might identify as another gender, but their sex is encoded in every cell in their body, except in a minuscule number of cases.  

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The thing is it is usually impossible to tell from looking at a person what their sexual preference is.

That’s probably true Sid but only in 50% of the cases 😊 I think you only have to look at some or hear them speak to work out if they’re probably gay. Then again, I worked with a gay lad for years and people used to ask me if he was gay and I’d reply, “No way!!!”. He still works for me, but now he’s in a permanent live in relationship with another lad in the office.

I think there’s some kind of biological difference with gay people as opposed to those with odd sexual preferences. In my nonexpert nonmedical theory, I say that most gay males, from birth, have a bit more female in their makeup, so for them being gay is normal. That’s not the same though for the likes of transvestites who make the choice to live that way. Now there’s a case where it’s near impossible to tell. I thought my co-director was a real man’s man but after working with him for over 12 years it turned out that he came out each evening as a “cross dressing tranny” without me suspecting a thing. Another was a customer who looked like a Liverpool docker with stubbly chin, big hairy hands with a grip like a vice but he chose to go about his day wearing makeup and dressing as a woman.


Bill 😊

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3 hours ago, Bill said:

Another was a customer who looked like a Liverpool docker with stubbly chin, big hairy hands with a grip like a vice but he chose to go about his day wearing makeup and dressing as a woman.

Danny La rue and Paul o'Grady made a living out of it.

Dressing in wigs and gowns is something that is quite common. ask any lawyer.....:rolleyes:

i had an uncle who was, as we now say, gay. he used to dress a lot like John Pertwee did as doctor who, frilly shirts and the like,but always impeccably turned out but as soon as he spoke you were in no doubt that he was gay. in fact his voice was camper than butlins. sadly passed away now.

as the saying goes "it takes all sorts to make a world"

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