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National grief,


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With the death of the Queen ,it is both  humbling & amazing just how much love there is in the country for a lady who was thrown in at the deep end.  She has been an excellent ambassador for the UK & has added prestige to our standing in the world. Her Majesty has set a high standard for her successors.


Rest in Peace.


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it is so they can say to their grand-kids "I was there"

The ones that amused me were the anti-monarchists holding up signs like "not my king" complaining when they were arrested. The police eventually let them go without charge as they could not think of what to charge them with. Treason springs to mind, but then again a few days in "protective custody" might be an option for detaining them.

After all having a go at the monarchy in front of people who were queueing to see the late monarch is either very brave or very stupid. One word out of place and they could be looking at the inside of a pine box rather than a police cell. Still freedom of speech and all that entails eh (mainly the freedom to suffer the consequences of said speech)

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What I find amusing are the blame and compen brigade;  black folk who claim their ancestors were abused by UK Monarchs.   The fact is, since the Glorious Revolution (which was in fact a Dutch Invasion ) , we've had a Constitutional Monarchy with no executive powers, and certainly since the 1800s, all political powers have rested with the elected Governments of the day.  Aside from that, the notion that a modern generation can be held responsible for the past is historically illiterate,  can you imagine us trying to sue the Danes for the Viking invasions, the French for the Norman invasion or the Italians for the Roman invasion ?   Perhaps the appropriate "compensation" for these idiots would be a flight to their place of origin - sorted.   Noticable also, except for BBC guests, is the lack of Black and Muslim faces in the gathering crowds.   😉

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Perhaps the main problem with the compo culture is that the UK stupidly coughs up & these people know it ....not to mention the solicitors who supply the legal nouse.

There was some American newspaper columnist criticising the Queen & the monarchy regarding colonisation & human rights ,no mention of the Native American persecution & land grabs or Black segregation though.

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well they are busy people,you can't expect them to stand in a five mile queue for fourteen hours. who would run the country if they had to queue.


on a lighter note saw a fairly humerous post on faceache. a picture of the young prince Charles posing with an electric guitar and the caption "the artist formerly known as prince". certainly gave a little chuckle at that.

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I hope her amazing legacy can help create a more United Kingdom - but sadly I fear our politicians will resort to their usual antics within the coming weeks - wasting time and energy attemtping to destroy each other rather than working together to help our troubled town, county, country, planet!

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