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How much do you know about Covid-19

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I probably could have done better by closing my eyes 😊

I went to the pub the other night, only 12 people were there including myself but eight were gathered around one table. One by one they all left leaving just one individual who decided to come and talk with my mate and myself. Within a couple of minutes, he was rambling on about how the pandemic was all a government conspiracy and why he’d never wear a mask. I asked him if it was a government conspiracy why the problem was spread across the world. He said that’s just more lies they want you to believe and the reason why he doesn’t watch any TV news channels. We did the same as the others did and made our excuses and left him to his theories.

I went back again last night and fortunately he wasn’t there but some of the others that were said they hoped he didn’t end up talking to you. 😊 There’s at least one in every basket as the saying goes but when you have views that are completely at odds with everyone around you, it’s probably best say nowt, especially after a few beers.


Bill 😊

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19 minutes ago, Bill said:

. 😊 There’s at least one in every basket as the saying goes but when you have views that are completely at odds with everyone around you, it’s probably best say nowt, especially after a few beers.



19 minutes ago, Bill said:


They say most pubs have at least one eccentric I've had the misfortune over the years to be lumbered with a few 




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every village has it's idiot. i know this from meeting just about every one of them at one time or another.

Usually when asking for directions. you know the one.  "can you tell me where such a place is?" vacant stare, looks left then right then asks the inevitable questions. "are you lost?".

So far i have resisted the temptation to come out with the engineers answer, "no i am right here"

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😉   Unfortunately village idiots are a singular phenomenon - these conspiracy theorists are marching the streets protesting these days.  :rolleyes:     Now the experts are warning of yet another wave of infections due to a new Indian variant.   What happened to test and trace ?  This is designed to root out sources during periods of low spread.    Why are we even talking about "Indian variants" if our borders are being protected ?    😠😷

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I could have told him that Obs but he was bigger than me and absolutely full of beer. He said he was a long-distance lorry driver so probably spent most of his time talking to himself but hey ho, he’s only the second total idiot I’ve had the misfortune to come across during the whole of this saga.

For several years I did have a friend who had alternate theories about everything, and it always made for difficult conversations. I put up with it because both our wives were good friends. Nothing wrong with having an alternate point of view if both sides of an argument are considered but that was never the case and eventually even his wife got fed up with the constant rubbish he would come out with and left him. He probably has an alternate theory to explain that as well. 😊


Bill 😊

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3 hours ago, Evil Sid said:

every village has it's idiot. i know this from meeting just about every one of them at one time or another.

Usually when asking for directions. you know the one.  "can you tell me where such a place is?" vacant stare, looks left then right then asks the inevitable questions. "are you lost?".

So far i have resisted the temptation to come out with the engineers answer, "no i am right here"

Give them the Irish answer: "If I was you I wouldn't start from here" accompanied by much tooth sucking.

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Watched a piece about the flare up of the Indian variant on the News; and couldn't believe how they skipped over the fundemental question, IE how did it get from India to Bolton ?    Obviously it came by air on an international flight, wasn't tested for at the airports etc.   Throughout this pandemic, celebs have been flying all over the world and they wonder why it's a global pandemic.   Test and trace should have come into it's own while infection rates are low, in order to isolate the variant BEFORE it spreads, as once it spreads  T&T becomes useless.   Now we're in danger of returning to square one, due to official incompetance, and weak travel restrictions and border controls.   😠   😷

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On 5/12/2021 at 8:58 AM, asperity said:

A quick quiz to test your knowledge on Covid-19:



AstraZeneca humiliation:

Just thank goodness we got out when we did.

Or we would be dragged down along with all the other member states.............................



Seems the EU want to do more research into this god awful mess.

Germany urges EU to make embarrassing vaccine U-turn

The Commission announced earlier this week it will not renew its contracts with the Anglo-Swedish jab supplier

after its failure to comply with delivery obligations to the bloc. But now German Health Minister Jens Spahn has called on the EU executive to order COVID-19 booster vaccines for 2022/2023 from at least four companies.


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It’s quite easy Obs, those that came back with this particular strain probably did so about three weeks ago before it was red listed and didn’t fully follow the home quarantine rules. Or as Sid say’s they may have come in more recently via somewhere like Turkey and again not followed the quarantine rules.

If there’s one thing that most people agree on it’s that the government has on several occasions been too slow to react to this sort of situation. If people had flights booked tough luck. Can’t afford to have time off work for quarantining tough luck go to jail. Trying to be fair is not always the right way as this outbreak clearly proves.


Bill 😊

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Travel restrictions were brought in but not so strict that they prevented urgent or necessary travel. At the end of the day though, it’s the governments’ fault for not realizing that many people just won’t follow the quarantine rules and it only takes one to start a new round of infections.


Bill 😊

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There has been loads of cases where celebs, influencers etc; have been flying off to foreign locations; plus an influx of foreign travellers from abroad; and it's been going on throughout the pandemic. Yes, it is the Gov's fault, for not introducing draconian systems to stop this and enforce on rules.  btw - no mention of our immigrant friends crossing from France either.   Pathetic.     😠    😷

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Well again we have to blame the government for not clearly defining what constitutes essential travel. I can’t see that entertainers or promoters are in anyway essential to anyone apart from themselves, but didn’t they say you could travel provided it was for work and not just pleasure?


Bill 😊

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Anyhow, back to the original posting and I’ve just re-done Asp's silly test again but this time I deliberately answered the questions in a way that I believed a sceptic might answer and my score jumped from 4 to 9. Amazing!

The problem with conspiracy web sites like this is they use data provided by professionals but presented in a way that’s extremely misleading. I’ve no doubt that a group called HARP exists, but I seriously doubt that any medical professional would have knowingly contributed if they knew their words would be twisted in an attempt to deceive people. The information might well be factually correct but the way in which it’s presented on this site is a deliberate attempt to deceive the more gullible in society.

For example, in their headline statement they say that masks are ineffective and may even make matters worse and this from the so-called medical experts. Read deeper into what they say though and they’re talking about a normal piece of cloth across the mouth rather than a compliant triple layer mask that most people use.

Another instance of their silly claims is that PCI test won’t detect Covid 19 and no amount of nasal or throat swaps are capable of detecting it either. Well, it must be fake if the experts say that, but read much further on to discover it’s just a play on names. True they’re not looking for Covid 19 (despite that’s what it’s commonly referred to) but for the SARS-CoV-2. virus.

The main thing to take away from this is that the lessor educated are easily swayed. They see the headlines but can’t be bothered reading the long boring stuff in smaller print and this website understands and relies on this fact.


Bill 😊

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