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Judicial independence ?


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A great deal of fuss and bother at the moment over the constitutional legalities of invoking article 50.  The bottom line of course, would be for HMG to put a simple resolution to Parliament to invoke article 50 by March 2017; and make it an issue of confidence. If voted down (which is unlikely), we then move to a General Election; giving the pro-Brexit majority the opportunity to clear out pro-EU MPs from Parliament.  However, the idea that Judges are purely objective interpreters of the law seems somewhat flawed, as, as human beings, they have their own opinions and bias, and thus cannot be described as "independent".  This is demonstrated in the regular arguments over the selection of the Judges in the US Supreme Court; which is a political recognition of bias within the legal profession.

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It is, as everybody knows, the political class using every trick in the book to try and avoid doing what the majority of the electorate (who bothered to vote) voted for which is for the UK to leave the EU. They can witter on all they like about the sovereignity of parliament because it's that same sovereignity that they have been busy giving away to the unelected bureaucrats in the EU for years.

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Unfortunately, a General Election would not just be fought on an in/out issue. The water would be muddied by other subjects that may cloud the judgement of the voters & allow the quislings to steal the victory. 

I am surprised the suggestion has not been made by the leave campaign that MPs have already voted on the decision with the referendum, after all the decision to "let the people decide" was approved by Parliament.

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The cost to the establishment is considerable too, since the public will never trust 'them upstairs' the same way again after it has become clear that they think nothing of overturning a democratic vote if it doesn't suit them.

The sight of an elected British government being openly defied by the people who really run the country has opened a few eyes.

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@asperity, most people who voted Brexit were lied to, as they were told their would be no cost to jobs and inward investment and price rises, that are just starting to pick up, didn't Brexit say it was scaremongering, so many people fell for the lie, sadly to late people are waking to the reality of what is going to happen

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Being in the EU is having a cost to British jobs, I know people from as long as 10 years ago where they have been made redundant to be replaced immediately by East European labour. Now, how did that get past redundancy laws ?


It's no wonder big business is in love with Europe when they can fill their companies with cheap labour on zero hours contracts & flout the UK living wage laws.

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We won't know what the true cost or advantage of leaving the EU will be until we actually leave, and negotiations haven't started yet. As OBS said we are still in the EU so it's business as usual.

And expense as usual too; Remainers are especially fond of reminding us that the £350 million a week that the NHS had apparently been promised after Brexit hasn't been forthcoming, conveniently forgetting that their Eurochums are still slurping it down.

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A great deal has been made by the Remoaners on the £350million a week issue, calling it a lie. Well of course it wasn't a lie, it was a factual figure from the OBS; the detail of which roughly brakes down into 50% actually paid into the Brussels gravy train; 25% paid in on a 1 year delayed payment (thus earmarked from budget); and 25% actually paid in, but recycled back to the UK in EU dictated schemes, which require the EU flag to be flown on buildings, just so we know how generous they are with OUR money. As for the NHS claim; the Leave campaign were never in a position to promise anything, for the simple reason that they were not the Gov and therefore not in a position to.  What we now need to watch, is the sabotaging of Brexit by the LibDums, Labour, Greens and some Tories; by insisting on access to the single market, when they've been told by the EU, that there can be no access to the single market without free movement of labour. They are clearly steering for a Norwegian model, with all the commitments of membership, without having actual membership; such traitorous actions will hopefully be rewarded at the next General Election.

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No it was a lie, written on the side of a bus

Other lies, they have back tracked on, include,immigration p, and the latest is, paying in to get access to the single market, not many left they have not gone back on yet, but there's still time


Non of you have decided to have ago at me about the big lie of scaremongering that was woven, but you can't really as the prices are going up, a lot of the 350 billion that was mentioned by Brexit will have to go on the wholes made in budgets made by pound falling, I think the defence budget alone takes most of it

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Not a lie, fact, the total figure taken from the OBR. btw Who are "they" and who has "back tracked"; negotiations haven't even begun yet. The reason we're getting odd statements from some people, is precisely because of Remoaner MPs trying to force the single market on the GOV, when the issue for people was immigration. SO, no free movement = no single market - kapiche !

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