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Young Birder of the Year 2016


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This is a national event run by the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology). There were around 30 entrants and, last weekend, five finalists competed for the prize at Spurn Point.


This year's title was won by...


<drum roll>


...a fine young man from Warrington. What's more, he occasionally posts on here.


So, congratulations, Fuglet, all your hard work paid off, let's hope it continues to do so!



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Well done that man ((or woman as the case may be) can never be too careful with the pc brigade watching our every move) 8)


look forward to the article as i am wondering how the competition works. does it go on number of different birds spotted in a set time or just the number of birds in total counted in a count the wings and divide by two sort of way.


Often seen people wandering about sankey valley with cameras and binoculars and wondered if they were bird watchers or suspicious people spying on the other local wildlife. :oops: :oops: :oops:


But i suppose it is better than getting up to mischief, gets you out in the fresh air and gives you something other than football or the x factor to talk about down the pub later.


so once again well done.

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