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High Spy !


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Seems to be a bit of a fuss over the Yanks "spying" on their allies; but listening to a so-called "intelligence expert" on TV; it seems this is all part of a reciprocal game, where Governments who can't spy on their own populations get others to do it, then share out the information. Perhaps the Germans didn't think the Yanks would be interested in what kind of pizza Frau Merkel was ordering?!

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They can monitor my phone calls any time they want. most of them are from "Dave" in a call centre in India wanting to know what i think of any number of inane topics.


If we did not spy on our allies how could we then deny all knowledge of what they had been up to when they are found out to be up to no good. To be honest ( for a given value of honest) spying on your allies is much easier than spying on your enemies. How else would you know that they are thinking what you want them to think about what you are thinking about. Its called "politics" innit.

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I  suppose it is just a more high tech method of knowing what Mrs Jones at number 43  is up to rather than peering through the curtains. Spying makes the world go round ,even providing  extra fun for kids as they try & find out in advance what Santa will be bringing them.

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It used to be very easy to break in to mobile phone conversations, not so easy government ones,as they are scrambled as the german phones were. 


Don't know why texting would make you unsuitable for government, In my opinion being born with a silver spoon would make you more unsuitable, as you would not know the meaning of Want or need :wink: as our present incumbent is now demonstrating 

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Ah, so Kije belongs to the school that believes Governments are there to look after the poor and needy!  

Surely he realises Governments (of whatever colour) are there to get the economy right? If they can do that, most of the poor and needy will be able to look after themselves.

Whether or not Governments DO get the economy right is, of course, another issue. But until they do, there must always be poor and needy.

Re Frau Merkel. It's not so much texting that makes her unsuitable for high office. It is being naive enough to suppose she can text sensitive information and expect it to remain confidential.

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It about time government realised they are their to look after the people, as it is them that vote them in, people first, and people should be made to vote, as a duty of living in a democracy, To many governments get in because of non voters!!.


Governments are their for the people,something the last few governments at least have forgotten.


Governments should not put business in front of the need of the people who vote them in.

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I know, then the Coalition adopted it, in the belief there was a political concensus on delivering it; which has now dissipated due to growing questions about cost-benefits; and no doubt an eye to the next election. My point is, that the kind of long term decisions the Country requires, such as mega-infrastructure projects, future of NHS, elderly care, education etc etc; can't be delivered by the fickle nature of our partisan politics, with a 5 year time horizon.

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Egbert I'm dyslexic,



And if that the only thing you can hit me with, you might find yourself out of your depth in future debates :wink:


If you have a problem with the substance of what I wrote go for it, I'm not impressed so far. :wink:


If you're dyslexic; who wrote the above for you? :)

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I wrote it Baz


People that have Dyslexia Baz are all different. Wow I can't believe you think if you have dyslexia you can't write. My condition if that is the right word is slight. I only found out though my Daughter who was tested at school, I had no idea. And it has not stopped my Daughter studying to become a nurse.

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Kije... only having a bit of fun.... if you can't laugh what can you do?


Quick Dyslexic Nurse Joke...


Two doctors in practice in a small country clinic had to hire a new nurse
when the one they had won the lottery and quit. They interviewed Nurse Nancy
and decided to hire her. She had only worked two days when one doctor called
the other to his office and said that they would have to let Nurse Nancy go.
"Why, we just hired her?"
"Well, I think she is dyslexic and get thing backward. I told her to give Mr.
Smith two shots of morphine every 24 four hour, but she gave him 24 shots in
two hours and it
almost killed him. I told her to give Mrs. Jones an enema every twelve hours
and she gave her twelve in one hour."
The doctor have barely finished his reasons when the other doctor rushed out
of the room. "Where are you going in such a hurry?" the doctor asked.
"To see Nurse Nancy, I just instructed her to prick Mr. Hill's Boil!"

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