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Q: When is a severe weather helpline unavailable?


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OMG Kevo that must be one of the funniest things I've seen in ages. 


Well OK so it's not really funny for anyone who needs help.... but you know what I mean..


Incase the council suddenly change their link here's a screen dump of it from a few minutes ago (Saturday 19th January 2013 time 8pm)

as that is one really worth remembering :lol:



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OMG! today I went out and no-one had cleared the snow from where I live to everywhere I had to go! There was SNOW on the pavement which had frozen! It was cold too so I had to wrap up warm and put boots on. There must be someone to blame for this it happens every year. Perhaps if I let the council know exactly where I was going to walk they'd get someone to clear the way. In the autumn it was slippy leaves. What a world. All they do is make public places and important routes as clear as possible for emergency services and leave MY drive covered in SNOW! How did the children of the fifties survive? And only an emergency service? I assume that's to use in emergencies then? You could always try International Search and Rescue....oh no..they only deal with real problems.

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OMG! today I went out and no-one had cleared the snow from where I live to everywhere I had to go! There was SNOW on the pavement which had frozen! It was cold too so I had to wrap up warm and put boots on. There must be someone to blame for this it happens every year. Perhaps if I let the council know exactly where I was going to walk they'd get someone to clear the way. In the autumn it was slippy leaves. What a world. All they do is make public places and important routes as clear as possible for emergency services and leave MY drive covered in SNOW! How did the children of the fifties survive? And only an emergency service? I assume that's to use in emergencies then? You could always try International Search and Rescue....oh no..they only deal with real problems.


I don't think you read it properly.....

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Has Mrs P  been out spreading grit and cleaing eldery neighbours paths like I've been doing around here too over the past few few days too and like I always do.  Easier with grit and saves on having to buy all the salt in the local shop. The local Parish council kindly provided a grit bin around here a few years back we are more than happy to do it (OK well I am).  Wish I had webbed feet or grippers though :lol:


Still think the councils website page is sooooo funny though and a cracker and I though you seemed like the sort of person who had a sense of humour too  :lol:    

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Aww I think I've just spolt it for myself and wont be going to bed gigling now as after sitting and thinking for quite some time.....
It says 'Due to current weather conditions the helpline is not available'
..... so I guess that probably means that we no longer have any 'severe' weather now so there is no need for the help line.

Eurika !!

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Mrs P has been round Algy's house. Says she's working for Age UK but I'm beginning to have my doubts.


OMG... keep her away from him as he's nothing but trouble as he has a way of enticing people (often ladies but not exclusively) into his 'net' and many become entwined in his way of thinking and interests and become obsessed.  He has got me into so much trouble that I'm suprised that I've never resorted to reporting him in the hope he gets banned   :lol:



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 He will be out saving voles.  You have to admit it is a classic!! :lol:


Just got back in from my wildlife walk - I've sent in a link to this thread with your comments to WBC - any sensible suggestions for a re-word 8)   and what do you think of the advice on the link to the tips for the elderly? This is a question that a lots of us can comment on  :oops:  if not now very soon.

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 I've sent in a link to this thread with your comments to WBC - any sensible suggestions for a re-word 8)   and what do you think of the advice on the link to the tips for the elderly? This is a question that a lots of us can comment on  :oops:  if not now very soon.


WBC have probably seen this already anyway Geoff :wink:   


 OK sensible re-word you say (damn ) :lol:  How about something like.........


"As Warrington is NOT currently experiencing any severe weather conditions the helpline is not in operation."


or to make it visually clear especially for the elderly


they could also have a prominent and visually clear status box ie a green box saying HELP LINE OPEN or a red one saying  HELP LINE CLOSED


I rather like that one actually even though I did say it myself


Maybe they should also state that out of hours.... 'residents with any concerns or problems can also contact their local parish or borough councillors... contact details can be found <here>'' :P

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That's just Borough Councillors Geoff and no local Parish councillor's contact details are on that link for the same wards   :P  :lol:  


It's ok though  I know all mine anyway as they are all available on their own websites and I also know how to find them another way too (no they are not tattooed on the bottom of my feet) :lol:  

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Hi all Natalie has passed on you request to the comms team. The message has now been changed and reads


The helpline is not available at the moment, however due to the current weather conditions the situation is being constantly reviewed and we will update this page if the helpline is opened




Hope this clears up the confusion :P

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