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How would you vote if you were voting today in a SNAP General Election?


17 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you vote today?

    • Conservative
    • Labour
    • Lib Dem
    • Greens
    • A.N.Other
    • I wouldn't vote for any of them
    • UKIP
    • BNP
    • CAP
    • Raving Looney Party
    • Independent

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Do you mean local rather than National?


Nationally I'm not sure I would vote Geoff (for the first time in my voting life) as they all seem to screw it up in one way or another and give 'false promises that they can't, wont or don't keep or the constant argueing and bickering amongst each other just to point score and the constant finger pointing of blame and it's "your fault, you did it, we didn't " ' just drives me mad.


Locally... definately not Lib Dem, jury is out on the other two main parties for me now but again I'm sick of all the 'false promises that they can't, wont or don't keep or the constant argueing and bickering amongst each other just to point score and the constant finger pointing of blame and it's "your fault, you did it, we didn't " ' Actually in all fairness the Cons tend not to do that at local level.. it's just the Libs and Labour but they make up for it.


Am I sounding repetative... so are some of them :roll::lol:


I couldn't even vote on your poll as there wasn't an option for 'none of the above' or 'Richard Bransosn' or 'Alan Sugar'.


Well you did ask Geoff...


I would like to add that locally I would always vote for the person who actually gets of their backside and does something (regardless of party).


You seem to fall into that category Cllr Geoff as did Cllr Paul Kennedy who also used to post on here.


Actions speak louder than words and get remembered (although not always for the best eh Libs :wink: )

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You mean you are friends but from different parties... blummin heck I'm gobsmacked :shock::lol:


Keep up the good work Geoff and don't multi 'multi-multi' task/play while posting on here or you'll finish up as grumpy as me :lol:

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Great stuff - well that's 5 of the regualr 14 WWW posters who have voted, maybe it's an indication of a low turn out or the fact that many people have left this wet island for warmer climbs - hold on a minute this is Warrington Worldwide with the emphasis on Worldwide maybe they have gone somewhere like a Dessert Island with no comms link, lucky people <_< .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well after some considerable thought on the subject I will tell you how I personally would vote.


Taking my bit off paper that entitles me to vote, I would stroll down to the polling station and hand it in.


With my ballot slip in hand I would then wander nonchalantly into one of the booths and taking a firm grip on the bit of pencil therein I would mark a heavy black X in the box of the candidate of my choice and then carefully folding the paper so that my vote was concealed place it into the ballot box and then wander back home for a cup of coffee and a read.


simples :twisted:

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Geoff, without wanting to sound rude.. is there any point in starting a poll, then a few weeks later adding more options and saying people can delete their original vote and now vote again?


Is that the act of a 'desperate' man :P

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I can see why Geoff is adding more candidates - because out of what there is there seems none that inspire much enthusiasm! I looked down the list and because I have no real faith in any of them was first going to vote for 'none of them'.

But I don't believe in not using my right to vote. I always go to the polling station -even if just to make the point that it is not through apathy that politicians don't get voted for.


So if Iv'e got to vote how do I make my choice? A process of elimination I suppose.

First OUT of the running, The LibDems there is ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE I would vote for a national political party who could condone their local representatives attempts at Dictatorship such as we have experienced.

Conservative or Labour? No difference between them - both in it to fill the pockets of the mega rich and

rip the rest of us off.


Next lot straight out of the running are the 'racist parties'.


Out of what was left I was initially drawn to Lord Such -as I think taking the p*** out of the p***takers at least shows he had a good sense of humour!

Then I changed my mind,reasoning that as polling day is the only real chance us 'commoners'have to voice an opinion on Government I shouldn't cast my vote for mere frivolity.


So I voted for the Greens - because I reasoned that if the Greens got a lot of votes the main parties in the running might take note that a lot of people are concerned with the state of the environment.


However, I'm left wondering if I should after all have voted for Lord Such? - He being the only one honest enough to openly portray our democratic system as the charade it really is!

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Geoff, without wanting to sound rude.. is there any point in starting a poll, then a few weeks later adding more options and saying people can delete their original vote and now vote again?


Is that the act of a 'desperate' man :P


Simply offering more choice and the chance for OBS to vote for his favorite party :rolleyes: surely that is democracy in action. :shock:

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