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Warrington's Big Wheel!


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I hear a lot of council employees fear it will damage their town hall lawn
No more than hundreds ( used to be thousands ) of people walking around on it on Walking Day ?


Also what will happen with the crib which usually takes pride of place by the Golden Gates

Maybe they dont want to offend certain religious communities with a christian figure in a christian town in a christian country eh : /
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Tourist Attraction ????


Wouldn't worry too much about the hundreds of tourists trashing the Town Hall grass.


We went past yesterday and there were only three people waiting to ride it (two adults and a little kiddie).


Thought about going on it for a laugh just to see what the view over Warrington was really like YEUCK... but changed my mind cos I dont like heights:rolleyes:


Anyway view from level 3 at the top of the new golden square multi story said it all :D:D

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Originally posted by Dismayed:

Tourist Attraction ????



Anyway, here's my suggestion for the Ferris Wheel...


STICK ALL THE USELESS COUNCILLORS IN INDIVIDUAL CAGES.... and send the ROUND AND ROUND AND ROUND AND ROUND until they promise to start listening to and backing their voters.


Well, according to the thread I started on Councillor,s everyone is happy with their councillors.

Are you having second thoughts, Dismayed?


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Originally posted by Dismayed:

Originally posted by Peter:

Well, according to the thread I started on Councillor,s everyone is happy with their councillors.

Are you having second thoughts, Dismayed?

:D:wink: .... [/QB]

I dare say a simple no, would have sufficed in answer to my original post.


The topic was to assess the value (or lack of) of the work that our councillors do in our particular ward.

Given that a lot of them read what we say, I thought that it would be a wake-up call.

However, having followed the thread, they will think they are doing a grand job.

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Stop being facetious.

My point is, that WBC do look at this Forum, as YOU very well know, as do a number of cllrs.

Numbers are irrelevent considering the number that vote, but "every little helps".

Also, networking amongst the groups is increasing, and they are looking in.

I think that you are allergic to technology and local politics. :wink:

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There's a nice London Eye-type Wheel here in Belfast in the grounds of our City Hall, and it's proving rather popular along with the nice Christmas Continental Market- Strasbourgeoise- yum! :D I rode in it in the dark and saw the lights of the city rolling up the mountains, and lots of sideways rain and the cable car was swaying! Must do it by day.


PS Yours looks like a typical nice big fairground version. Ours is something in between the look of that and the London Eye, though it accommodates 8 people and the gondolas are like the cable cars you see in ski resorts.


Check out








for the Market:




Not impressed with the picture selection for the market, which reminds me, I never did put up the pics of the Lincoln Market, which I promised to do last year, and I've mislaid them, and I'm not going to Lincoln this time, but see here:




This is the best one, fantastic setting, in the Castle grounds and surrounding historic streets, though it only lasts for four days, our much smaller one is from 21 Nov- 18 Dec.






Good pic of our wheel:




And finally some blatant advertising: :D




The Lincoln Market is this Thursday through to Sunday.


[ 04.12.2007, 00:29: Message edited by: GUNNER ]

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Originally posted by Observer:

only if they believe the minority that is involved in this Forum, the majority of whom have probably never tried using the services of a Councillor.[/QB]

Ok Obs.. so which side of the fence to you sit on (I presume you are a Councillor)



I believe he is an EX-Councillor - hence his knowledge and views.
Originally posted by Geoff Settle:

Getting back to the TOPIC I saw the wheel for the first time tonight in all it's glory and I think I will but a ticket. You can get them on the bus for one pound fifty pence. [/qb]

Do you have to buy a bus ticket too or can you just board and buy a ferris wheel ticket only then dismount the bus :D:wink: ?1.50's not bad I suppose compared to the normal price (as long as I dont have to use public transport :roll: in order to get it ha ha ) [/QB]


I don't know - I was on the 26 last night and should have asked - however I have to go to the JSA later so I'll ask for you
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Originally posted by Peter:

LOL. You go girl, go! :D:D

:D:D I was and still am on a roll seems but cant stay on line long enough to rant and rave .....


If this gets posted then I have managed to stay on for approx 4 minutes.


Do WBC now have a secret way of terminating my internet connection just as I am about to post something derogatory about them :o


Internet connection terminated... please try again later with more positive feedback or comments... goodnight and thankyou... WBC !!

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Originally posted by observer:

Dismayed, your barking up the wrong tree - my remarks were a response to Peter, who seems to believe the majority of Warringtonians use this Forum, or even Councillor services for that matter! :D


Do you also use the words 'statistics' and 'national government rules' too :D:wink:

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Numbers are irrelevent considering the number that vote, but "every little helps".
Could you explain that please? I thought that numbers where everything when it came to a vote.


As for WBC divisions reading this forum, some members might and there have been rare instances where moans on here have actually been acted upon. However, I think that Dismayed has it right in that it normally falls to the affected person(s) to act themselves rather than rely on a Councillor.


In my experience (and I've had more than a decade of having to deal with these monkeys) a Councillor will only act on something if it: a) directlt affects them or their interests; B) will get them publicity that will assist in re-election, or; c) entails a nice trip out somewhere at the tax-payers expense. Unforntunately, even if a Councillor agrees to act you can more or less guarantee that cack-handedness will be the order of the day, reinforcing the truism that if you want something doing properly, do it yourself :bounce:

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McBain For once I can't find anything to disagree with you about there :D


Have you ever thought of standing for council? Guess you may struggle though as you obviously have a brain, some common sense, integrity and it appears that you are not one for 'personal' gains in return... guess that completely rules you out eh :wink:

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Originally posted by observer:

Dismayed, I think you may be overstating the number of folk who have access to a PC. :wink:

You know what Obs... your postings are getting harder to follow by the minute :wink:


Think if you did a survey and collected some statistics you'd be suprised at how many people do actually have PC's these days, and also how many can use a phone and even read and write :P

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Obs, PC ownership is getting easier than ever, e.g. ?285 will get you an IBM T42 laptop with wireless internet capability. That is staggeringly cheap for a new computer. I imagine that e-Bay will offer even cheaper deals. PC ownership is now very achievable. However, a broadband internet connection is not (and yet many of these "poorer" people always seem to be able to scrape together the cash for a SKY package?).


I would however, take issue with the following:

the assertive, the educated and articulate and the political bulls, may be at the front of the queue for Officer attention
This should be amended to reflect the reality of the situation:

"the gobby, the mis-informed and shouty and the political bulls, may be at the front of the queue for Officer attention" :wink:


Dismayed, I will try and ensure that future posts are more objectionable, we can't go around agreeing with one another!

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