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The guy cant be anything but happy with how he is playing and how well the team is doing.


I hope he stays a little bit longer, we should make him an offer he cant refuse.


Fast becoming a Wire legend and best overseas player to grace our game.

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Old Enough Cocker :wink:


Monaghan is the dogs danglies mate, Im not convinved we've seen the best of him yet. Everytime he decides to turn it on something wondeful happens - usually resulting in more points for the Wire.


He seems far happier now that Smith is at the helm and the team is going places. He knew Cullen & co weren't upto scratch and thats why he was so unhappy - He is a winner through and through.

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I either have mystic qualities or Simon Moran really does listen to my posts and acts on them very quickly.


Anyways, thank you Mr Moran & co for securing the best player signing since Monaghan was originally signed.


I think Joey Johns had a part to play in the original move too so thank you to.


The club are really doing well recruitment wise, im very impressed.


As for King, to be honest i dont think he will stay beyond his existing contract. I would surprised if he did.

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