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Lib-Lab pact?


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Lord Adonis is urging Lib Dem voters to vote Labour in constituencies where they don't stand a chance of winning because, he says, the Lib Dems and Labour have more in common.


Has he heard about Warrington? OK, the Lib Dem-Tory council may not be the best under the sun, but you have to admit the Lib Dems and Tories have been getting on pretty well together. And our local Labour lads seem to hate them both.


I don't go for this tactical voting. If you're Lab, vote Lab. If you're Tory vote Tory, if you're Lib Dem, vote Lib Dem (if you can get down off the fence!). If you can't make up your mind, or don't think much of any of them, don't vote at all.

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So voting for the Party that is going to do the best job doesn't matter as long as you stick to the Party that you have always voted for???


I'm sorry, but that is WHY we are in the mess that we are in.


As for the local lot, they have to get on in order to stay in power. :roll: They just manage to keep digging a bigger hole than the Labour lot, and to make things even worse, they are selling off the crown jewels and getting rid of the only people who know how to do the jobs. :roll:

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Egg; it might help if folk started voting for the Party that best reflects their own opinions and beliefs, instead of voting for who they think will win or stop someone else winning. And if your prefered Party hasn't got a candidate standing, just write the name of that Party across the voting paper - a spoiled vote is better than not voting at all. :roll:

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So I have to find an anti immigration, pro hanging, anti Europe, anti early release, pro law and order, anti dog, anti electric car, pro gas guzzler, anti speed camera, anti public service gold plated pension party!!


Should be interesting :lol:

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Lord Adonis is urging Lib Dem voters to vote Labour in constituencies where they don't stand a chance of winning because, he says, the Lib Dems and Labour have more in common.


Has he heard about Warrington? OK, the Lib Dem-Tory council may not be the best under the sun, but you have to admit the Lib Dems and Tories have been getting on pretty well together. And our local Labour lads seem to hate them both.


I don't go for this tactical voting. If you're Lab, vote Lab. If you're Tory vote Tory, if you're Lib Dem, vote Lib Dem (if you can get down off the fence!). If you can't make up your mind, or don't think much of any of them, don't vote at all.

Interesting thing is there is a tactical reason for this even if they felt there was no difference between the two. Labour are the underdogs, and it's in the Lib Dems interest for the election to be close in order to get a hung parliament. But the Warrington Lib Dems are so over invested in this that they are totally out of touch with reality.
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