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Highway robbery?


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What's going on with our highway infrastructure these days? :? Road works compromising a junction at Longshaw St, Church St blocked off with cones, to name but a few. :roll: And what are they actually doing? :? Never see anyone actually working. :roll: And what are they supposed to be achieving? :? Some cosmetic "safety" re-alignment? :roll: Meanwhile, queues of traffic - while half our roads need re-surfacing. :shock: Are the Highways Dept having a laugh? :twisted:

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From what I read the work is being done in the evening to avoid disruption.


Bill :)


So the road wasn't really blocked off on Froghall lane and Church Street today then and the queues of cars wern't really there?


Bill, you need to get out more because if these are being done at night then I'm a Gay Chinaman called Nigel!

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Bill I know the roads were being closed.... I read the signs. You were the one who said they were supposed to be done at night...... Seeing as the roads were closed during the day, your information was wrong..... just like you think taxis parking on double yellow lines is OK; nice idea to some, but not really right!!

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I'm not wrong, it's just that I have a differing opinion to you on the issue so best leave it at that.


As for the road being closed today well I did say "from what I read" and what I read was a full half page announcement in the Guardian stating the work was to be carried out mainly during the evenings to avoid disruption. :P


Bill :)

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IF it's for "re-surfacing" - fair enough: BUT, why not do it in the early hours, to minimise traffic disruption? :? The work they did on the A49 near Pinner's Brow, was to build a central reservation, thus taking out the possiblity of two lanes of traffic, and making the traffic queues even longer - do these folk at the Highways Dept actually own and drive a car? :roll::twisted:

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OK so where did my post go again :evil:


Obs asked about reporting companies paying less that than minimum wage...


I asked what that had to do with road works :?


My post seems to have disappeared and Pauls reply has since appeared :?


Am I going mad or do I only deserve to be paid ?1.50 an hour :lol:


Just think Obs... by reporting 'them' you may actually be doing someone out of their job who is happy to at least have one even if it is slightly less per hour than the government say it should be :shock:


The way the idiots who are running the country are going no-one will have a jobs soon anyway :wink:

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I think so :shock::oops:


It's called 'Highway Robbery' and the first post was by Obs who asked about various road works...


BazJ and Bill etc replied.... still about road works etc.


The Obs suddenly mentioned minimum wages...


My reply questioning that then disapeared (unless I posted it somewhere else after all :shock: )


and finally Paul K replied to Obs about reporting minimum wage but nothing about roads :?


I asked the question...


you replied....


and I think I'll go to bed now after I've had another pint of wine just incase they do decide to put the taxes up or make restrictions on low price supermarket booze (yes that is another thread) :lol::wink::P

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Just think Obs... by reporting 'them' you may actually be doing someone out of their job who is happy to at least have one even if it is slightly less per hour than the government say it should be


Personally I think people should be paid what they are worth to a business and if a business is in trouble, an employer should be allowed to cut the wages of its staff; even if that means paying less than the minimum wage. Some wages coming in are better than none at all!!


I am looking to employ 1 or 2 staff in the coming weeks and hope to get a better response than the 8 or so last time we advertised with the job centre. 2 of the applicants were from London!! and were obviously only applying so that they could say they were actively seeking work and not lose their benefits.... my business partner reckons if anyone does it this time, we should invite them up for an interview and offer them the job..... they would have to make their own way to site every day of course!! :twisted::twisted:

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I could be wrong but I mentioned the Guardian just before the subject changed and I seem to remember reading recently that their journalists were unhappy about their rates of pay. Other than that I?ve not seen any posts disappear.


Bill :)

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Getting back to the original theme of roadworks around the town- I am getting fed up of hitting sunken manhole covers and potholes on a regular basis- do the council not employ somebody to check the state of the roads or do they rely on the likes of posters on here haranging the appropriate councillors?

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