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Green dictatorship -

Observer II

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The political drive for a net-zero future, is resulting in an Owellian nightmare for citizens.   The Energy Bill, passing through Parliament will require public compliance with the required standards as they are introduced, which will mean householder compliance with an "Energy Performance Certficate", insulation improvements, smart meters, removal of gas appliances etc.  But the stick, for this green tyranny, will be a criminal offence for non-compliance of a fine of £15,000 or one year's imprisonment.   Both Tories ad Labour are fully behind these draconian changes that will affect every property owner, and totally alien to notions of the freedom and democracy claimed by the West, over their Communist adversaries, for the past 100 years.   Meanwhile, as we enact this draconian response to so-called climate change, with the UK producing only 1% to global co2 levels, China will continue to pump out 30% of the co2, as it continues to build coal fired power stations.  This truly is going to mean a distopian future for the citizens of the UK, to add to all the other maladies affecting the future of public wellbeing in this Country.   😠

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We’re all going to end up in jail for a year if we don’t rip out our gas boilers?  I don’t think so.

Where do you dig this stuff up from? It might carry a bit more weight if you at least gave us a clue to the source.

Obs said, freedom and democracy claimed by the West, over their Communist adversaries

Well at least we have the freedom to discuss things here. If we tried it in China, then we might very well end up in jail.  :)


Bill 😊

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Oh dear, Bill, you well and truly been programmed into a compliant stupour.   The energy bill has just made it's way, largely unopposed through Parliament and has been reported, even by the MSM, and criticised by Andrew Brigden and others on interviews.   When they come to forcibly enter your house to inspect it for compliance, the imaginary freedoms you talk about, won't stop them fining you or sending you to prison.  😄  btw. you can google it too.

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1 hour ago, Observer II said:

Oh dear, Bill, you well and truly been programmed into a compliant stupour.   The energy bill has just made it's way, largely unopposed through Parliament and has been reported, even by the MSM, and criticised by Andrew Brigden and others on interviews.   When they come to forcibly enter your house to inspect it for compliance, the imaginary freedoms you talk about, won't stop them fining you or sending you to prison.  😄  btw. you can google it too.

Why don't you read the explanatory notes; even if Andrew Bridgen seems not to have (https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/cbill/58-03/0295/en/220295en.pdf

The EPC requirements are to replace the EU ones we currently have and the appliance requirements are to make sure that the smart control equipment used in Car Chargers, Fridges, dishwashers, washing machines ait they claim to be smart are such that they are under the control as far as is necessary to protect the network of the Electricity System Operator (i.e. National Grid ESO) to protect the integrity of the network. If regulations were made beyond this remit in the explain then the courts could strike them down as ultra vires in a judicial review.

Perhaps put the tinfoil hat back on!

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This legislation prepares the way to force property owners into compliance with new rules on property requirements of net-zero, So all those cold calls I.m currently getting to improve/update my home insulation and green instalations, will become mandatory, and enforced by a visit of the compliance inspectorate. Fortunately, I will have been to the Crem before it comes into effect. But the compliant sheep that remain are welcome to it.    :rolleyes:

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No it doesn't, it requires body corporates to offer Energy Savings Opportunity schemes and there could be audit of those to prevent embezzlement of public funds. You will get to the crem before your time if you keep believing all this guff. Whatever web site you get this from is probably the one that tells you how powerful the Russians are. It is a pattern of instilling hopelessness into the general public. Just use different news sources these ones don't seem good for you.


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Ha ha,  I get my mews from YouTube, the western MSM has lied to us and just regurgitates the Gov mantra, which in the case of Ukraine is pure fantasy, dished out by the neo-cons and the corrupt nazi regime in Kiev.   My only surprise is the gullibilty of folk like you, who fall for this propaganda.  The so-called Ukrainian offensive hasn't got anywhere, and has lost 400,000 dead to date, with 10s of thousands of AFVs , while Ukranian Oligarks squirrel away aid money, ready for their exile in the US.     💀

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On 9/9/2023 at 8:41 PM, Observer II said:

Well Gov plans to decommission the gas infrastructure, will cost householders £2,700 in additional charges - all part of the net zero utopia.   :rolleyes:

Slowly the ludicrous stupidity of the net zero zealot is being revealed. The futility of being first to bankrupt the entire economy and the true political intent of those who promote it is yet to become obvious to the majority.

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There are usually two sides to every story and unless you’re prepared to weigh both equally then your viewpoint can’t be said to be balanced. Accusing everyone who doesn’t hold with your views as being in a state of confused and brainwashed stupor is a bit rich given it’s coming from someone who openly admits to getting all his information from YouTube.

The way I see this is that it’s similar to when the government of the day told us we had to stop burning coal. Back then though it was worse because the rule applied to everyone unlike now where it only applies to newly built homes. Fifty odd years on and everyone would agree that it was the right thing to do, so I reckon in another fifty years we’ll be saying the same about this.


Bill 😊

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ha ha Bill, so you think you get the truth from the MSM ?   Starting with the woke BBC, anyone with half a brain knows they totally distort their presentation to suit their own narrative.  The only true picture of events can be gleaned from the now increasing number of balanced and objective podcasts on Youtube.  We are being dragged by stealth down a road to increased poverty for the masses, with frankly insane inovations from these woke headcases.  EG Bankcrupt Birmingham Council spent £2mill on woke street signage with such names as Diversity Av and Inclusion Street; and employ a load of "Diversity" Officers. The ordinary sane and rational public need to fight this at every level, and kill it at birth.    😠

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Birmingham city council got hit with an equal pay problem of backpay owing at a level of between 650 and 760 million pounds. That made business as usual, woke or otherwise, seem like chicken feed. The minimum amount owed is greater than the council's total income from general government, council tax, business rates etc for the year 2023-2024. They will have fix the wokery but is going to be very hard. The fundamental problem is how this came about in the first place.

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Whilst I understand your point about the BBC, which also applies to SKY, the answer is not to be found on You Tube. It is full of partisan cranks and you need better information sources than that to see what is going on. I do see Bill's point on both sides of an argument but the danger is that of false balance, which the BBC used to engage in rather a lot. They have now changed to fact checking where they purport to be the arbiter of right and wrong.

In my view the problem in all these sources is the mixing up of opinion and fact. News is about facts, opinion and explainers are something else. What I want is news, based on facts, and opinion and background pieces clearly tagged as opinion. That is what the regulations also should be understood to require. Propaganda does not count as Education and a lot of people seem to have misunderstood that, included most of what I have seen on You Tube. You always need to know the context and agenda to interpret and weigh these sources. I don't know about you but I got taught the basics of this at Secondary School!

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30 minutes ago, Observer II said:

Starting with the woke BBC, anyone with half a brain knows they totally distort their presentation to suit their own narrative.  The only true picture of events can be gleaned from the now increasing number of balanced and objective podcasts on Youtube.

so the you tubers don't have a narrative in mind when they produce a podcast on a particular subject?

Apart from making money for the number of views and likes they get that is.

as a recent example i was discussing my driving license not being accepted as proof of identity as it is an old paper one and not a photo one. the person i was talking with then proceeded to tell me that it was illegal to now have a paper license and that if i was pulled up by the police and asked to show my license i would be prosecuted.

they were adamant that they were right beyond any shadow of a doubt, despite me showing that my license was valid until 2027 they were still insistent that it was illegal. to that end later that night i went on the gov/dvla website. the only time you need to get a photo license is if you are renewing a license due to a change of name, address or age. if you are doing none of these then your paper license is valid until it expires. he will still insist he is right though it is what he believes to be right.


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Youtube don't just publish one side of the story, I've seen MSM style pods from the Telegraph for example, but none of the MSM have gotten things right imo. EG They've claimed that the Ukrainians have broken through the Suvolikin line, in their so called Offensive. The fact is they've gotten nowhere along the whole front and lost over 4o,000 dead in trying. Overall they've lost over 400,000 dead, ten times more than the Russians, so they are losing, and it's just a case of when the Russians start their advance on Kiev, Odessa and Karkhov now.   All the contributors are ex-military like Scott Ritter and Doug MaGreggor or CIA like Larry Johnson, so know wat they're talking about, and proved correct todate.  The western Govs are flying a false narrative that's frankly dillusional, based on wishfull thinking rather than objective facts, so the Western public are blind to what's actually going on.     :rolleyes:

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No that certainly isn't what I meant. The Telegraph isn't a counter to Scott Ritter or Doug McGregor. Look at some of the sources that come up on ARRSE which include Russian and Ukrainian blogs, NoelReports and many many more. They regard Ritter and co as unreliable. It is also possible to see the excerpts from Russian tv chat shows which clearly demonstrate how delusional they are and that they change with the wind that blows from the Kremlin. None of that will be visible on You Tube. If you follow them all via ARRSE you see that both side and the Institute for the Study of War come to the same place in a few days of each other. You can see the facts for yourself. The losses and destruction numbers are a figment of the imagination. I remember one time when Putin know what the Russian losses were and asked for Ukrainian losses looked up to the ceiling for a couple of seconds and then came out with a number that was three times the eventual admitted Russian losses in the Bakmut battles. No sources will tell you real losses or what is happening now, you have to work harder to see the truth. However what is known is that Russian soldiers are told that if they retreat the Kadyrovites will shoot them. That is why the Kadyrovites are always well behind the front lines. You will notice that I don't read what the MSM says or the MOD/DOD.  You Tube's Inside Russia with Konstantin is occasionally amusing for a change.

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The population of Ukraine has now reduced by 20million,  dean and wounded military, refugees etc.  Young lads of 16 and old men in their 70s, are being dragged off the streets and forced into the meat grinder. Now they're running out of meat, they want access to the male refugees in Poland.  The SPU (nazis) ensure they move into suicidal attacks, but now many simply surrender at the first opportunity, rather than face certain death.  The Russians have total surveylance of the battlefield,  total air and artillery dominance, and invite the Ukrainians to attack into pre-targeted killing zones, this is attrition warfare, and it's bleeding the Ukrainians dry , at the behest of the US.   Soon, our MSM will have to concede the inevitable, and the blame game will begin.  :rolleyes:

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