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N/Y Honours ?

Observer II

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Baubles for the boys,  an antiquated system of patronage ?   Clearly with many undeserving recipients, like politicians who dragged us into a war, that killed our servicemen and thousands of Iraqis on the basis of a dodgy document claiming Saddam Hussein had WMDs.  The mysterious death of WMD expert,  who claimed no WMDs existed - the stuff of a political thriller, yet to be published.  The ruling class have no shame.   😠 

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Maybe my memory’s not so good but at the time didn’t most people agree with Blair and his decision to seek out the potential threat posed by weapons of mass destruction. I know at the time I thought it was something that we as a country had do to stop Sandam’s ambitions of taking over the middle east. In the end nothing was found, and the intelligence turned out to be bad, but it could have just as easily gone the other way and in that case, inaction could have led to a very different world than we have today.

Someone once said to me, “Never apologise because it’s a sign of weakness” and I suppose others including politicians might think this way too, but Mr Blair did genuinely apologise to the people however no apology would ever be enough for the hardened cynics of this world. Anyone who can’t accept a heartfelt apology is to my way of thinking just as bad as those who can’t apologise.

Does he deserve this award? I don’t really know and wouldn’t care to guess. I leave it at that.


Bill 😊

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Tell that to the military orphans and widows, and the thousands of Iraqi dead - he went into Iraq on the basis of a ego trip, following his buddy Bush like a puppy.   The intelligence was flawed and UN inspectors found no evidence of WMDs; and our own inspector wound up dead in a park; and while we're at it;  they failed to get a  UN sanction for the operation, making it illegal.  To cap his career, he opened the flood gates to EU immigration, saying we'd only receive 15,000 Poles, and failed to impliment an initial cap, so we received over 2 million; a total EUrophile .   😠

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The stop Bliars knighthood petition has now reached 1 million. Problem - 1. It wasn't placed on the correct site to cause a Parliamentary debate and 2.  It was solely in the gift of the Queen in any case.  :rolleyes:     Note over 1 million people marched in London in protest against the Iraq War,  and Bliar totally ignored it, so no doubt he'll ignore this.  😠

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