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Yesterday I saw the report of Vera Lynn's death.   I guess my dozens of 8 tracks, tapes and cd's will now be priceless.  She has always been a central figure in my nostalgia fantasies.  During the war, my mother, an old mill girl, couldn't stand her "cos she talks too posh!".   RIP.

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A very talented singer. it is just a pity that the only song that people think she sang was "whale meat again".

I was surprised at her age though, when i first heard the report on the news i thought they said 93 but i was on the phone at the time. when i managed to catch the full report and found out that she was 103 i was amazed.

It does seem to me though that a lot of the people born in that era live to a great age. My in laws were both in their nineties when they passed away as was quite a few of my wife's family.

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