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Warrington Wolves Documentary

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We've recently produced a documentary for Warrington Wolves, which runs alongside a timeline which is up in the South Stand at the Halliwell Jones.


We interviewed many players and fans, including Paul Cullen, Ray French and Alec Murphy. You can see the full documentaries and teasers here:



Let us know what you think and share around!

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With regard to the location of the timeline ,i see its location as a potential safety hazard if people  leaving the terraces at the end of a game hesitate to look at the tableau while people are coming  through the doors behind them.

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Nice to see my old mate Phil Chadwick making a good contribution to the piece...I used to work with Phil in the 1970's and better company you couldn't hope to have...He was a character, always looking for an opportunity to have a a practical joke and a laugh...He told me about the time he was leaving Knutsford Services but was having difficulty gaining entry to the car because it was a mates car and he wasn't used to the doorlock and was having quite a fumble to get inside. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a motorway police patrol car staffed with a couple of officers observing what he was doing and Phil thought that the officers would presume he was drunk. They followed him onto the motorway and Phil purposely made a display of very bad driving...The officers thought they had him banged to rights and pulled him over onto the hard shoulder and asked him if he'd been drinking....Yes Phil replied rather meekly so the officers breathalysed him...To the officers astonishment it gave a negative result...You said you'd been drinking the officers complained...Yes said Phil but you never asked just what I'd been drinking...It's been fifteen years since I enjoyed alcohol and since those times I've only imbibed orange juice....Phil's a character who's full of tales like that....everybody loves him but I would never get on the wrong side of him...He's a tough geezer and one of the fittest men I ever knew.

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Another Phil Chadwick tale was the time the Wire were playing Bradford at Odsal and were doing rather badly....Rocky Turner was having a shot at goal so Daryl ve der Velde sent the Chad on with the kicking tee with a new set of instructions with a change of tactics...The Chad reached Turner and handed him the kicking tee and told him that Daryl has sent him on with some instructions but he'd clean forgotten what he'd told him so he just jabbered away pretending he was giving him the instructions but in fact he was asking where Turner was going for his holidays and anything else he could think of,anything but Rugby League. Turner must have thought he'd gone quite mad.. I don't know if van der Velde ever found out what had gone on but one things for sure Chad would get away with it...It's impossible to get mad with the Chad for very long.

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