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This topic has been banned!!!


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C'mon RC, you can't post that and not tell us what happened!

Don't think he will have read your reply Trace, Rocky's to busy telling Cleo off for swearing in one of her jokes, poor chap has not been around long enough to realise that he's fighting a lost cause, she'll have him for breakfast. :lol:

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Cleo I hope the translation makes sense.

كليو، لم أكن قد أدركت لك لم يكن يشعر جيدا حتى ذلك اليوم، وآمل الخاص بك شعور أفضل بكثير الآن. لا أفهم هذه الصغار في المنتدى الفكاهة منا سنا، أكثر الشفقة، وأنهم لا يعرفون ما هي في عداد المفقودين.

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At least I got you all interested.

Where should we go from here?

I am able to read Ancient Egyptian and I am very upset about the comments that Renault Clio made about me.

This is slanderous and I have contacted my solicitor!!! Who has told me to shut up and settle out of Court. :oops:

I shall test you on hieroglyphics tomorrow Rocky :wink:

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At least I got you all interested.

Where should we go from here?

I am able to read Ancient Egyptian and I am very upset about the comments that Renault Clio made about me.

This is slanderous and I have contacted my solicitor!!! Who has told me to shut up and settle out of Court. :oops:

What the f888 are you talking about?


(That is flip by the way Dizzy)

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Moderators have taken this new thread down!! :cry:


Having seen this comment about the moderators taking your history thread 'down' or 'banning it' like your topic title suggests RC I, like others,  wondered what you had said or done too. (probably mentioned it before but I've not been able to post on here as much as usual due to pc problems although I can read and keep up on my mobile)


Anyway, it did confuse me as both your topic time stamp and first post (where you say it has been banned) had the same time stamp and no reference by moderators etc to say a reason why.


Usually if a topic is somehow 'out of order' posts or titles get edited (moderated) by mods/admin and a new really  'bad' topic would either get deleted pretty much at the start so they no longer existed or locked later on to prevent further posts from being made. 


Edits are normally shown and post warnings always added before topics are locked blah blah.  Very rare indeed for topics to be deleted these days. Infact I can't even remember any that have been deleted apart from the SPAM ones we used to get on old forum but that was a couple of years ago and way before your time. 


Now I knew I hadn't edited/deleted your topic so presumed perhaps another moderator or Admin had.  But then Admin asked me why it had been 'banned' too so it was looked into a little more.


Am I boring you and taking up your valuable time..... I'm sorry if  I am but I have to explain as it is my duty and hey there's nowt else we could be doing with our time is there ??!!


So.. after more investigation  I can now categorically report that


YOUR TOPIC WAS NOT BANNED / REMOVED /DELETED/  EDITED or 'ANYTHING SIMILAR' by any moderator or even Admin Rockcutting.


Maybe you had had one too many  in your local pub and just thought you had posted something or something went wrong and you thought  it had been removed/banned :wink:


Shame really as we might have to ask Algy to to remove your special rosette and certificate that you have been awarded for being the only person to ever get their topic removed in the 'Happy History Section'


At least I got you all interested.

Where should we go from here?


Somewhere else maybe ? 8)


PS... sorry for any typos....maybe someone could remove them for me :lol:

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