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Cold Chips , or ,"as it's known in Scotland..........

Nick Tessla

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Who are we going to blame?

The parents have to take some of the blame. There is nothing wrong, in principle, in using leftovers - it makes sense both financially and ecologically. The problem is what those leftovers consist of . In terms of carbs, how much does it cost to buy a bag of dried pasta - compared with going to the chippy or buying a bag of spuds to make your own chips ?

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Don't the EU provide school milk in some schools? I'm sure I have seen signs up saying so.


not a bad deal then.... we give them a net contribution of 40 odd billion pounds a year and they give us some milk for the kids!! I knew there must be at least one posiive!! :lol:

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Stuff the EU....... where a kid goes to school with just cold chips or just a packet of biscuits in their lunch box the only people to blame are the child's parents or guardians (even if some of the kids do perhaps have to do their own packed lunches too due to bone idle parents).


There is simply NO NEED for it :)  

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