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What is the cup and what was the occasion?


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erm.... it's ok to be pedantic.

A Warrington tram dressed up for a special occasion, what was it, and what was the year. What was the special occasion - winning the challenge cup. What year was it - what year was the challenge cup won - 1905 and 1907.

So I will be pedantic too but :lol: it aint raining here! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I'm saying nothin. Cleo, I will pray for rain for you. I wouldn't want you to miss out on this English weather. :D :grin: :D:P


I am not missing out on the english weather, I can assure you, or should that be I am not missing the english weather? :D We are now into winter here and really it's just like an english summer on a fine day, no rain as yet. Temperature 24C dropping to 15-18C at night. :D

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It must be hard work for you, standing beside the bed all night wafting one of those big fans to keep your husband cool. :wink:


What you talking about Peter! It's my husband who stands wafting one of those big fans to keep me cool! :lol:

Actually, there have been a few advances since the days of the pharoahs. We have all mod cons here, including aircon., with cold in the summer and heat in the winter controls, and remote control to boot! :wink::D

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As Algys answer refers to the cup as "the Northern Union Cup" weren't you all wrong :P


It was actually the 'Northern Rugby Football Union Challenge Cup' :P


The Fattorini's of Bradford were commissioned to manufacture the Challenge Cup in 1896 at a cost of j£60. Fattorini's also supplied three-guineas winners' medals then valued at thirty shillings.


I googled the last bit :lol:

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:unsure: No PJ. It was algy who was wrong. It actually WAS The Challenge Cup. :wink:

Hey!! Bugalugs, I've just spotted this, I wasn't wrong it was the Northern Union Cup, it became known as the "Challenge Cup" because one team challenged another for the cup, So there!!! (see I can be as childish as the next person - go on say 'more so').


This was Warrington's tem that won the 1904/5 Northern Union Cup - Oooops, Challenge Cup.


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For anyone interested, of that team, Jimmy Tilley won the Military Medal in the Great War for an act of bravery and George Thomas was killed at 4.30am on 3.7.16, when blown to pieces by a German shell during the Battle of the Somme. He is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing, and on the Stockton Heath War Memorial.

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