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All you need to know about the UK


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algy, After viewing the video I'm confused by your statement. Could you elaborate?

What is to be confused about? the video starts by explaining what countries make up the United Kingdom, we are supposedly one nation but as the narator explains non of us can stand the other, another distasteful aspect of our history - the British Empire, I can't see other nations respecting or admiring us as a nation for the occupation, thieving of labour and recources of those countries we have forcibly entered and occupied over the centuries. I could go on but I shall refrain from doing so as it may become an emotive subject and I do not enjoy conflict, I have had enough of that in my life.


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Thanks for the explanation, but regarding the

for the occupation, thieving of labour and recources of those countries we have forcibly entered and occupied over the centuries.


Don't you think that most countries in the world have at sometime done this to a greater or lesser extent?

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Perhaps Algy you could cite a Western European Nation that didn't engage in "Empire" building? Large swathes of "our" Empire were taken from other European Nations in the many wars of history. We took New York from the Dutch; Quebec and India from the French, Gibraltar from the Spanish, we even took Heligoland from the Germans for a period - to the victor go the spoils - that's the nature of man's history. We can thank the Normans for securing Britain and Ireland originally - which - in the case of Wales became part of the UK after the defeat of Owen Glendower; Scotland after the Act of Union etc. :roll:

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