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Lt Kije

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you will need to get a wireless router that is designed for cable. it shouldn't slow you down at all but can be prone to loss of connection depending on where you are in the house/garden. you will also need to make sure that your wireless network is properly protected. it is surprising how many wireless networks my brother managed to access near here without even having to try.

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Depending on your connection to the existing router (cat 5e will usually connect at 100Mbps) whereas wireless will be 54mbps at best (unless you have a super dooper N Band one of course!!)


I don't personally like wireless but my son uses it here at home and the signal strength can be quite rubbish and pretty useless for streaming video or music.


I'd stick to wires for now......

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I would like to stick to wires Baz, but She Who Must Be Obeyed doesn't they look untidy :?


well use the data over power modules. Plug one in the room you want the PC and the other connects to the router. Stable connection and works over the power cabling in the house. we have one connected to the PS3.


The only wires you get then are from the power socket to the PC and to the router



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Is that cable though Geoff? Because in certain areas of the town (who are the furthest from the exchange and get crap BT line broadband such as Westbrook and Calleands) we can't get cable because the streets were never done and there is no intention of doing it even though I think they should be made to do it and I have even offered to install the fibre for them!!


Still they won't do it!!

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Or you could simply go with Virgin like we did. They supplied the router, disk etc and we've had no problems with three of us working away throughout the house. :D


Lt K said he's already with Virgin Geoff... don't you read peoples original posts :lol::P


What has annoyed me though from reading your post is that WE are with Virgin and we had to BUY our router from argos... how come you got one for free from them :shock:


Guess it's another case of new customers getting a better deal than existing customers :evil:

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Or you could simply go with Virgin like we did. They supplied the router, disk etc and we've had no problems with three of us working away throughout the house. :D


Lt K said he's already with Virgin Geoff... don't you read peoples original posts :lol::P


What has annoyed me though from reading your post is that WE are with Virgin and we had to BUY our router from argos... how come you got one for free from them :shock:


Guess it's another case of new customers getting a better deal than existing customers :evil:


Gosh it's really amazing what posters read and don't read in other people's posts.


1. Yes my house is on cable BUT I haven't a clue what every otherposter is on so I can't say whether or not it will work for you OR if you are also connected via cable if YOU will have as good a response as I do.

2. I chose to receive NETGEAR from VIRGIN that I paid for, they helped and provided me with assistance to get it up and running.

3. We've been a customer for donkeys years, even before it was run by VIRGIN, when it was NTL.


I hope this clarifies the lack of detail in my original post. I really sincerley apologise for the distress that I have caused each and every poster and look forward to the usual barrage of insults that will no doubt follow - NOT. :D


Finally I am not an employee of VIRGIN or have anything to do with them or their suppliers. :wink:

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You been on your loopy pills again Geoff... I have no idea what you are on about or what you think I actually posted.. so just for clarification my replies to your strange rant are below your comments (scroll down)



Gosh it's really amazing what posters read and don't read in other people's posts.


Indeed it is Geoff :?:lol:


1. Yes my house is on cable BUT I haven't a clue what every otherposter is on so I can't say whether or not it will work for you OR if you are also connected via cable if YOU will have as good a response as I do.


Geoff... If you had re-read Lt K's orig post he hays "At the moment I am hard wired in to 20 meg broadband with virgin media".. at which point you suggested that he did what you did and go with Virgin !?!


2. I chose to receive NETGEAR from VIRGIN that I paid for, they helped and provided me with assistance to get it up and running.


My appologies as you originally said you went with Virgin and they supplied the router which I presumed you meant came as part of your package deal rather than you having to pay extra to buy the wireless router from them. When I got V broadband they did not supply or sell wireless routers theyonly hardwired ones and they were free.


3. We've been a customer for donkeys years, even before it was run by VIRGIN, when it was NTL.


Well I have been with them since the early days of Cable & Wireless...then NTL..and now Virgin :P


I hope this clarifies the lack of detail in my original post.


No it just clarifies that you were bored and got a bee in your bonnet because of my post which you felt deserved a long rant :wink:


I really sincerley apologise for the distress that I have caused each and every poster and look forward to the usual barrage of insults that will no doubt follow - NOT. :D


Not caused me any distress Geoff as you make me laugh... :lol: although I obviously can't speak for any other posters on here 8)


Finally I am not an employee of VIRGIN or have anything to do with them or their suppliers. :wink:


Never thought for one minute you worked for VIRGIN Geoff but there is a little fib in your comment but I'll let you off as you put a :wink: after it :wink::lol:


PS have you tried eating chocolate as apparently it contains a stimulant to the nervous system that can make you more alert and also gives a sense of overall well-being. :lol::lol::wink::P

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