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Still struggling with Immigration -

Observer II

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Even if Sunack hasn't got the balls to take us out of the ECHR, it's clear that many Countries, principally Russia, just ignore it's rulings, so why can't we ?   But I find it amazing that we can't operate a "push back" policy, with RN vessels grappling these illegal boats and towing them back to a French beach, prior to deflating them.   Seems Lawyers and Politicians will give multiple answers on why you can't do something, but never a definitive answer on how to actually solve a problem.    😠

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Well, this is finally being recognised as a National Security issue, but alas, not by the politicians.   Aside from the obvious criminal threats, with increases in organised crime by Mafia gangs,  there's the question of penetration by terrorist groups, leading to violent incidents; and the politicians, who's first priority is the wellbeing of our population are totally failing to deal with it.     😠

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, yet another "law" to prevent the boat crossings from Sue Braverman,  which, in theory, will allow the immediate deportation of illegal migrants.   However, the question then is, deported where to ?    Clearly France won't have them back and unless individuals origins can be identified, and their Country of origin accepts them back, there remains a problem.  All the while the Gov try to enact such a deportation scheme, the lefty HR lawyers will be taking cases to the ECHR to get deportations blocked.   Meanwhile, Starmer will be sitting on the fence, knowing the red wall working class want a stop on immigration, which is depositing young men into their Towns and Cities, with associated risks of knifings and rapes; but his liberal woke MPs will be citing international law as a means to thwart any progress on the matter.   The first thing we need to do, is to withdraw from the ECHR and renege on any International legal commitments that contravene our National interest and security.  This followed by the physical turn around of these boats by the UKBF and the Navy.   😠

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Seems to me that whatever they propose, it simply gives more targets for the legal profession to shoot at, so is there any point in making these suggestions? Observer suggested that one way would be to leave the ECHR but doing that would show us in a very poor light and put us at odds with the whole of western Europe. Plus, I’m not so sure the people of this country would like to be seen as the only other bad apple in the basket alongside Russia and Belarus. In any case, the legal people would fight tooth and nail to prevent this because without the ECHR most of them won’t have a job!

Most of the other suggestions like turning the boats back or going after the traffickers doesn’t really work either as it just creates a never-ending game of wakamo where even more pop up to fill the gaps. I suppose other European countries are more than happy to see this continuing as it reduces the possibility that they’d have to take them in. Both France and Spain have gone on the record in saying that the problem is our own fault for making conditions here so appealing. If that’s true, then surely, we could remove some of the incentive by adopting the same conditions here without breaking any international laws.


Bill 😊

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So lie back and think of England - eh Bill ?    The evidence shows that this nonsense can be defeated, by positive action, we were being assailed by lorries full of these migrants, but security was tightened up at ports and it was virtually stopped.  When this started, my first reaction was to get the UKBF to turn these boats around at sea, and that seems the only logical reaction to take to end this joke.   So if it saves us £7million per day on hotel accomodation,  and removes a public safety threat,  worries about what others think of us is merely pathetic surrender.   This is not just a UK problem in any case, it affects all Countries in the EU too and the majority of folk in those Countries are just waiting for someone to take the lead.     :rolleyes:

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I’m not suggesting doing nothing, just that I think it’s pointless using cat and mouse tactics to try and stop them or suggesting things that we know will only be thrown out by the HR courts. As much as possible, we need to remove everything that makes crossing the channel worth the risk.

If I was living under a tarpaulin in Calais and having to cook on open fire, then a comfortable bed in Paddington House Hotel with all new cloths, meals, pocket money and even a brand-new bike to get around on must look like paradise in comparison. The French seem quite happy to leave them in their shelters, and if we did something along the same lines, they’d be less likely to attempt the crossing.  

Another thing that doesn’t help is us sending our boats out to help them across. As far as I know, we don’t have any legal obligation to go out and look for them. If they want to risk their lives crossing, then let them, then arrest them all as they come ashore. Plus if we continue to provide a free water taxi service, then the traffickers will understandably point out that the risk is negligible.


Bill 😊

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"THROWN OUT BY THE HR COURTS" - precisely the reason for leaving them or just ignoring them, like some countries already do.   Whilst I agree they shouldn'r be kept in Hotels,  how would local folk react to informal camps on their local parks, it's bad enough with the Gypsies.  Tented camps with secure boundaries for tempory detention, prior to immediate deportation, to Rwanda, if their own Nations won't have them.  The open border policies of the lefty liberals, largely middle class wokeys. who despite their constant virtue signalling, as they won't take them in;  but are prepared to dump them in working class areas.   😠

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Another pod on Youtube, is from "history debunked", a guy called Webb;   who identifies glaring anomolies and hypocracy on issues of race.   His latest observation refers to Trinidad & Tobago, which is being used as a staging post by Africans seeking to illegally migrate to the USA.   Five such illegals were arrested at the airport, transfered to a secure detention unit, prior to being returned to Cameroon by air.   As this was in fact a black on black exercise it would take the wind out of the sails of those lefty woke Labour MPs who normally accuse any form of migrant controls as being "racist" and illegal in international law. Perhaps the difference is, that in the UK, we are funding through legal aid an army of lefty HR lawyers to take vexatious cases through the courts, up to the ECHR, who generally rule in favour of the immigrants.   So perhaps the Gov should restrict legal aid to British citizen only and leave the ECHR ?        😠

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So Sunack does another deal with Macron for over £500K; then we find out that the EU has blocked Macron from helping out;   seems the EU is never going to forgive us for Brexit.  Listening to the TV debates and the pathetic whimpers from the lefty woke liberals, like Linecker;  you'd think we were gassing these illegal entrants, who they refer to as "refugees"; when in fact, over 89% are young males, seeking "a better life".   Perhaps we could make overseas aid conditional on taking back these migrants, which would allow same day capture and return home ?     😠

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's painfull to watch the Tory Gov squirming with this issue, announcing the use of ex-military camps and barges and boats, to house these illegal entrants.   The problem appears to be the backlog in Home Office determinations on right to asylum,  so why not a simple presumption against right to asylum for anyone arriving in the UK by an illegal route ?   Such a blanket decision would allow for immediate mass deportation,  solving the hotels fiasco in one foul swoop and saving the British tax-payer £7million per day.   Another measure would be for applications for asylum to be made at any UK Embassy,  thus allowing genuine cases to be issued with a visa to enter, whilst eliminating spurious applications.   😠

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