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Observer II

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Is anyone else totally fed up, hearing from and about Pr Harry & Meagain ?    A classic case of "toys out of the pram" imo;  by this personality damaged boy and his manipulating, narcistic spouse, who will no doubt dump him when he's no longer usefull to her ambitions.   Best thing for King Charles & the Monarchy could do, is strip them of their titles and any Royal connection or recognition, and consign them to history.      😠

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The wife says she doesn’t want to see or hear any more about the pair of them, but that said, the slightest mention on tv set’s her off on a never-ending rant that inevitably end with me reminding her that like me, she’s not interested.  She’s like a bloomin tape loop repeating the same stuff over and over and I end up missing half the news.


Bill 😊

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The only news i see is what is on the front page here.

i am so disinterested that i don't even know what it is about and only know that something is 'amiss' because mrs sid usually mutters something about it being all about harry again, which by that i assume she is referring to the news or whatever current program she has on.

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I watch the BBC headlines a couple of times each day but unless something specific catches my interest it’s usually just a short visit. I do briefly checkout the other news channels in case there’s something there that the Beeb didn’t cover.

I get the gist of the Harry story, but I’m not remotely interested in listening to various people giving their endless opinions on another person’s private life. I know like politicians; the monarchy is in the public eye, but the media go way beyond just reporting the facts and into the realm of hearsay and potentially biased opinion. Clearly some people want this sort of trivialization but it’s definitely not for me.


Bill 😊

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Unfortunately the MSM and the net are bent on superficial trivia. as gossip seems to illicit interest in the brain dead and it makes them money.   So we now have a celeb culture, where one can get rich merely for being famous.  Poor Harry and Meagain forever the victims, regurgitating nonsense to keep them in the limelight and in the money.  Charlie should just cut them out totally, take away any titles or connection thus starving them of fresh gossip.     😠

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