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Who's driving ?

Observer II

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As the UK bus runs downhill, out of control, it seems we don't have a driver.  With inflation set to sky rocket, with record numbers of illegal migrants crossing the channel; all the politicians are on holiday.  With a stark eat or heating choice this Winter, there are no plans to save us from disaster, and no one with any comprehensive policies or ideas on how to save the situation.  😠

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Look on the bright side Obs, at least it’s stopped raining and we might even get a bit of sunshine later.

By all accounts we’re not on our own with some of these problems. Many countries are experiencing similar issues brought on no doubt mainly by the energy crisis and the war in Ukraine. I do get your point though; it does feel like we’re a bit lost at sea with nobody steering the ship and we’re looking for someone from the crew to act as captain.   

Maybe we could borrow someone like Putin for a while to sort out our problems because I’m sure he wouldn’t tolerate opposition by minority groups and lawyers that seems to scupper every proposal. It’s all well and good saying we need a “can do” style leader like Boris or even Mr Farage but it’s no use if they can’t follow through on their plans because of our system of outdated laws and bureaucracy.   


Bill 😊

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Stopped raining ?   There issuing hose pipe bans down South, they still haven't figured out a way to distribute water throughout the UK or provide long term storage.  Talking of storage,  seems we.ve got oodles of our own oil and gas under the N/Sea, but nowhere to store it;  so we pipe it to the EU for storage, as if they won't use it - crazy.  With those two clowns, Sunak and Truss changing their ideas to suit media opinion; there is no one with a clear set of priorities and principles, and the determination to see them through, leaving our ship of State rudderless.  Beam me up Scottie,   😠

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Yes Obs, we could probably go on all day bringing up issues we think are wrong and need fixing, but there are so many, it gets difficult to identify why nothing seems to get done. If this was China, we’d probably already have a national pipeline system for water because they tend to focus on the overall needs of their people rather than just who can make a profit out of  the exercise.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to money and if like me you’ve got plenty 😉 then there’s no need to worry about food and energy costs or that you might end up with an asylum seeker living next door. The only thing you need worry about is how well your investments are doing.

If our politicians were made to live on universal credit, then they might just stop playing their endless political games and focus on doing something to get the country out of this bloody mess.


Bill 😊

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Sadly very few Dave;  we need someone with a belief and strength of purpose, that will assert itself throughout the organs of Government, to completely eradicate wokism and get civil servants to actually carry out the policies of the elected politicians, or face redundancy.  EG.  We are now a borderless State providing totally free immigration, aided and abetted by the UKBF, Police and even the RN; this has to change or we'll plunge ever deeper into lefty liberal anarchy.  😠

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  • 3 weeks later...

Talk about the blind leading the blind;  it seems Labour have shot up in the polls lately, as if they have a clue on sorting the mess we face.   The energy crisis and super inflation are largely self inflicted by the West, with it's economic sanctions on Russia back firing;  all Parties supported them.   Labour haven't offered any idea on preventing illegal immigration, other than making it all legal;  opening us up to a housing crisis, which will deny home ownership to a generation of youngsters, who no doubt have been calling for open borders - what an home goal.  Meanwhile, the Lib Dems want to take us back into the EU, which will include adopting the Euro and increased liabilties.  Both will be courting the SNP in a hung (get nothing done) parliament; giving them their Indy Ref and with the continued N/I protocol the break up of the Union.  All this, simply because the Tories haven't had the will to get Brexit done, leaving leavers angry and frustrated, with no one to vote for.     😠

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Blimey Obs; Lump all the problems together like that and it makes for depressing reading. We’re all in a situation that’s not good and just constantly harping on about it doesn’t get us anywhere. As a country we need to find solutions to limit the damage rather than playing the blame game.

I’m no expert but when the Russian sanctions were announced I expected something like this to develop although maybe not quite as bad as it’s turning out. Now if I could see this, I’m certain those with more experience in these matters could have predicted it as well. Maybe if the government had explained from the outset, the dire effects that imposing sanctions could have on the economy, then it might have been seen as a price worth paying rather than a plan backfiring.

I look at it this way. When a madman in Germany set his sights on taking over Europe, we didn’t just sit on our hands in case it made life difficult here, we got involved, and so did the Americans who could just as easily have claimed it wasn’t on their doorstep and in any case it wasn’t their problem. Had we done nothing, then life for us all would probably be very different now. This is just the price we need to pay to prevent bad triumphing over good.


 Bill 😊

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The situation in Ukraine has no equivalence with 1938,  Hitler re-occupied the Rhineland, contrary to the Versaille Treaty and could have easily been evicted at that point.  He went on to occupy Czechoslovakia,  and we sold them down the river.  Finally, we declared war when he invaded Poland, which could have been detered, had we and the Poles allied with the Soviets, rather than the Germans.  As for the Yanks, they had no intention of joining the fight, but were happy to super-charge their economy by lend-lease, which we had to pay back.  Not until the Japs attacked Pearl Harbour on 7th Dec 1941 did the Yanks get involved, and only because Hitler actually declared war on them (big mistake).  The Ukraine was part of the USSR until it collapsed in the 90s, but it remained a Russian ally until the, arguably US sponsored coup de tete, put a Western friendly regime in power in Kiev, which led to threats of them joining NATO and the EU.  Having seen NATO expand eastward up to it's borders, Moscow was understandably concerned with the threat, but did agree to the Minsk deal that Ukraine would remain neutral, thus providing a buffer State between NATO and Russia.  Ukraine reneged on this and decided to join NATO and the EU.  The internal politics of the Ukraine, tended to divide the Country into a pro-Russian east (Donbass) and a pro-Western west, which resulted in civil war, ultimately backed up by the Russian invasion.   The West then encouraged Ukraine to fight a proxy war on their behalf, the declared US intention being to degrade the Russian military and it's economy, making it ripe for regime change.   US and EU politicians were falling over themselves to jump on a bandwagon of sanctions, which they thought would cripple the Russian economy - big mistake.  As they are now realising, but won't admit, the economic damage has fallen on the West; with EU dependency on Russian gas and oil, prompting the current energy crisis, so in effect being hoisted by their own petard.  What we are seeing is a huge change to the World order,  the US dominance as the single super-power has come to an end,  and an alternate grouping (BRIC), is now on the rise.  The sensible course of action would have been to secure the Minsk agreement, keeping Ukraine as a buffer between East and West,  but alas we had belicose idiots like Boris shooting from the hip, with no idea of the consequences.   Those consequences now fall on us,  with a cost of living crisis, soon to include an industrial relations crisis, amid an inflation crisis. If you play with fire, your likely to get burnt.     :rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, Observer II said:

Ukraine reneged on this and decided to join NATO and the EU

No it did not. Read the agreement. In it US and UK agreed to support Ukraine in the event of attack and so did Russia, We have kept the deal ( it was make clear to Russia and Ukraine at the time that the wording in English was not as good as it should be and we would not actually fight for Ukraine). Russia has broken the deal. The rest is Russian propaganda.

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Lots of political history there Obs but I just see things as they are right now.

I reckon most of the world’s problems stem from those who only look backwards to events of the past and won’t let things just be. Putin clearly didn’t like the fact that so many decided they wanted out of the Soviet Union and now it seems that he wants to forcibly take these counties back. No amount of political history can justify the action Putin has taken, the deaths and the worldwide disruption it has caused.

Had the world stood by and done nothing then I doubt he’d stop at the Ukraine. We’re supposed to be a civilized society where people make their own decisions and live peaceably so there should be no need to use a whole country as a buffer zone between east and west because I don’t think the NATO alliance had any intention to invade Russia.

On prices, I could live cheaper by getting my expensive coffee, razors etc from the local druggie who’ll happily take an order and steal for you to support his habit. I don’t because I know it’s wrong, but I know there are some who just don’t care where it comes from providing it’s cheap. I wont labour the point but Putin’s the bad guy here.


 Bill 😊

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Bill, those that ignore the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.   I've no doubt Putin  has been planning this for decades,  he's been 20 moves ahead throughout, and the cackle of PC politicians in the West sucked up to him for his gas and oil, like junkies from a dealer. Well he's pulled out and the junkies are in cold turkey.  The last "free" elections in Ukraine delivered a near 50/50 split, between East and West, the US stimulated coup in Kiev, was led by neo-Nazi militias, like the Azov Brigade.  They recently tried another in Kazakstan, but it failed.  If you believe the MSM and our corrupt politicians, it'll make you as brain dead as them. Try Alexander Mecouri on YouTube or Redacted, to get some reality.  The reality is, that the Russians will win, they will dictate the peace, and the days of the world cow towing to the US are over.  The next domino will be Taiwan, the only question is. will the Yanks go nuclear to save them ?    Con, the deal involved a commitment by Ukraine NOT to seek NATO membership, it reneged on that, and started poking the bear, thinking the US cavalry would arrive to save them, which hasn't happened in Libya, Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan, after billions of dollars spent propping up corrupt pro-west politicians.   :rolleyes:

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