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What's the problem ?

Observer II

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Why is the EU struggling with the issue of illegal migrants crossing to Europe from Libya ?   NGOs have been "rescuing" migrants from Libyan waters and ferrying them to Italy, now the newly elected Italian Government, respecting the mood of it's electorate, is refusing to accept more landings.  I thought the EU had made an arrangement (bribe), with the Libyan Gov, for their coast guard to prevent such crossings by migrants and to clamp down on the traffickers ?   Believe the EU has even approached source countries with more "Danegeld" to prevent this exodus and take back their nationals, but it doesn't seems to be working.   With all the shipping available to EU Navies,  surely it would be possible to return each and every migrant found in the Mediterranean to Libya ?     

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Perhaps the EU hierarchy have realised what a pig's ear they have made of the migrant crisis. They should have been lobbying the UN to stop the wars & ethnic cleansing in the middle east instead of rubbing their hands at the thought of the cheap labour which has destabilised economies throughout Europe.

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Think we know that Asp, although there is a war in Eritrea.   The reason for this migration is the fact, that despite their relative poverty, they have access to TVs and cell phones that show a lifestyle far richer than their own, so they naturally trek off in search of "a better life", with all the risks that involves. Despite abuse by criminal gangs and risks of drowning, and no doubt buoyed by messages from relatives that have "made it",  they still persist.   So, we can't blame them for trying.  The people to blame, are EU politicians and "humanitarian" NGOs, that make the journey possible.  If the crossing were made impossible,  the problem would cease; but alas that requires hard decision making, something we don't associate with the EU.  Think we should also wonder, just how much economic interest is involved; Germany (even under the Nazis) has a history of importing cheap labour, and Merkel's intervention in inviting a million "refugees" in, seems to sustain this suggestion.  Unfortunately for the EU,  this experiment in humanitarianism appears to be turning sour throughout the EU, hence the refusal of the ex-Soviet States and now Italy to accept it's continuation and the seeds of an EU collapse are now growing.         

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The war between Ethiopia and Eritrea ended 18 years ago, besides which Eritrea is neither in the Middle East or in Sub-Saharan Africa, although the Eritrean people are fleeing their Government which is, of course, Socialist (so who can blame them?)

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Must just be a bit of rowdy gun play then !    BTW. migrants journey from all over Africa and Asia, as far afield as Vietnam , usually heading for the UK.  Avenues are - Turkey into Greece or Bulgaria; Libya into Italy; Morocco into Spain; some have been washed up on beaches in the Canaries, and can be seen selling trinkets to tourists on those beaches;  and they've even tried getting into Norway via Russia.  Unless those avenues are blocked, it will continue.

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Seems it's yet another legal complication:  kids can't be held in a prison beyond 20 days, but processing asylum claims takes longer.  Which begs the question, why can't authority be given to local sheriffs, border guards etc,  to ship these migrants back across the border as soon as they are caught; thus removing any requirement for detention and no wailing over "inhumane" treatment by the bleeding heart liberals.   The same approach is required in Europe, immediate deportation when picked up, and a ban on NGO recue boats.  

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The thing is that people crossing the border illegally are, by definition, breaking the law and are, if caught, placed in detention centres. They can't place children in adult detention centres, or adults in children's detention centres obviously, so they have to be separated. An unfortunate consequence of the Obama administration's handling of illegal immigration was that they gave a "pass" to families with children crossing the border illegally with the obvious result that a lot of children, not related to the illegal immigrants, were taken across miles of inhospitable desert to enable the illegals to cross into the USA without fear of being arrested, whereas before it had been mainly single males attempting to cross. Who knows how many of these kids have been subsequently been further abused by the people who used them as a sort of "passport" into the USA, sold on to traffickers. Another reason to separate the adults from the children is to establish whether there is a family link between them or are the children just being used as tools to enable the adults illegal entry. The Trump administration is not against immigration, it is against illegal immigration. Mexicans can, and do, migrate legally into the USA but, being sensible, the US don't want convicted criminals and drug dealers immigrating, they already have more than enough of them home grown. But of course the MSM and the left (but I repeat myself) can't resist using the images of concentration camps full of children as a weapon against the Trump.

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Think Donald summed up the issue nicely when he referred to strong and decisive action being viewed as heartless, especially by the bleeding hearts.  The problem has been allowed to rise in the first place through a lack of decisive action by Governments, exacerbated by the emotional response of the bleeding hearts, who continue to "rescue" these "illegals" and complete their journey to the EU and US.  An example of the bleeding heart response comes from Spanish Cueta (in Morroco) where the new leftist Spanish Gov has ordered the removal of razor wire from the border fence, something that has effectively acted as a deterant  to-date.    

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Seems CH4 has done some polling on public attitudes to immigration and found over 70% support a hostile enviroment for illegal immigrants and support for radical reductions in numbers.  Then they had a TV debate, which in terms of numbers didn't represent that public view, but perhaps tried to give the pro-immigration point of view as part of their arrogant attempts to convert the masses.  Now one single mother was pining for her Ethiopian boyfriend to be allowed entry to the UK, following deportation; but she didn't explain why her attachment to the boyfriend wasn't strong enough for her to move to Ethiopia to join him.  So what it seems to boil down to, is that these ship jumpers, rather than seeking to improve their homelands, prefer to move to the UK "for a better life"; something that could apply to most of the World's population - hence the problem in the first place.  HMS UK is like a rescue boat with everyone swimming towards it, all looking after Jack.  The rational behind the whole saga being emotional and individually economic;  the lecture vid posted by Asp, clearly sums up in a rational way the big picture, and it's time our liberal elites took note and ceased to arrogantly ignore public opinion.   

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The British Benefit system ,along with our monarchy, is the envy of the world & as such is a magnet for the world's population. Europe is desperate for us not to leave the EU because they know  mainland Europe is not the goal of migrants whereas the UK is. Tighter controls of migration into the UK will leave the continent saddled with even more unwanted migrants.

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Seems the EU summit on "the migrant crisis" has resulted in a fudge or compromise, allowing the setting up of "refugee centres" to process asylum claims. OK, so what happens then, after, like vultures, the circling HR lawyers move into these honey pots, to pursue cases for years, allowing time for them to breed and claim the right to a "family life".  Merkle and Co really haven't got a clue,  their bleeding heart sentiments making them  totally incapable of doing what's needed to resolve the issue.

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