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World War 111


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Shocking scenes and certainly very worrying indeed Stallard and seems to be getting closer to home all the time.    I can't see how it will ever be brought to an end and nowhere seems safe from it all :( 

RIP all those poor souls who were murdered in cold blood yesterday :(

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Yes people do need to be strong PJ but calling those who are afraid and panicking 'stupid' seems a bit harsh.

They interviewed the former head of french counter terrorism on tv tonight and he seemed worried and said it would happen again as the threat is now too large are there are too many suspects and no enough resources.
He said it could happen next week, next month, in six months...anytime really.

The french president called it an act of war too so although not ww111 it's a bad state of affairs :(

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Went to bed last night, with history telling us we have had two world wars, come on here to find we have had 111, the fact that I woke up must mean we won the 109


Well apparently we won the first two as well.... although you wouldn't know it these days :)

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I think the title of the thread is a stupid knee-jerk reaction to a bunch of lunatics committing mass murder .  

Don't hold back PJ!. I am of the opinion that because the public in the US are geographically isolated (distance wise) they have a different perspective on what is happening in Europe at the present time and due to the terrible slaughter of 9/11 are very twitchy regarding terrorist attacks and understandingly so!, however this is reallity and has to be dealt with, how this takes place is beyond me, non of us will ever know what is taking place regarding the planning and preparation behind the scenes fo deal with these terrorist lunatics, and all the crap that we read and see in the media is speculative garbage to whip up hatred and panic amongst the public so with respect the crap that appears on here produced by some of you Mickey Mouse experts is not worth the screen print that it is typed in so if the cap fits wear it.

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What I took exception to was someone, regardless of where they live , starting an alarmist thread entitled World War 111, it's not is it?  It's a horrid act by some murdering terrorists.  Stop trying to be the forum stasi Algy, it's not your job, calling or gift.

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Seeing as ISIS have declared war on non-muslims and President Hollande has stated that his country is at war..... and seeing as there have been attacks all over the world by islamic militants, why would it not be seen as a form of world war? These people are carrying out attacks on every continent....



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it doesn't make it a World War.  Didn't Bush declare war on terror several times and were they then World Wars?  Did Thatcher declare war on Argentina? Was that a world war.  Are Israel fighting Palestinians?  Is that a world war?  If people cannot see the difference between this and a World War it's probably a waste of time trying to tell them otherwise.

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