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Would you eat - ?


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You have probably already eaten insects in the form of the red food additive called cochineal. The female cochineal insects are ground up to produce the food colouring. If you have ever eaten at Starbucks chances are that you HAVE eaten cochineal because they used it a lot in the food they serve, as have other food outlets.

I believe fried cocroaches are quite nutritious. (no, we don't eat them in egypt so don't bother asking).

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Some of the foodstuffs cochineal is used in -

Ice cream, strawberry milk, fake crab and lobster, maraschino cherries, port wine cheese, lumpfish eggs, and liqueurs like Compari. Cochineal extract is present in fruit drinks, candy, yogurt, and some processed foods.


The said cochineal bug.




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  • 2 months later...

If it has to be one way or the other then definitely dead and cooked to a crispy well burnt frazzle for me. 


I was going to say welcome to the forum JohnAtk... but I was sitting here thoroughly enjoying a packet of twiglets and they are suddenly looking remarkably like fried bodies of stick insects my son used to have.  I've gone off them now :lol:  :P

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