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japanese Navy.


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Not sure what your point is, but they spend more on defence than we do, so they have better ships, probably being close to China has something to do with it.

What the BH do you mean "Not sure what your point is" I thought it would be obvious, they were one of the major players that lost WWII, they are supposed to have a 'Home Defence Force' judging by the modern equipment that could probably put our navy to shame!, looks pretty good for a fighting marine force that is supposed to be capped and consist of small ships to protect invasion, they could fight full scale naval battles and invade with the equipment at their disposal, Oh! and plenty more in their shipyards being built. :roll:

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The Japanese defence force is an extension of the Police force, they are a major ally in the Pacific of the USA, they have been spending lots of money in the last 15 years as the Chinese are spending more on Chinese armed forces. If the UK was near China, I think the UK would be spending more on defence.

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It does seem to be a very good idea though...start a Basil Fawlty & lose ,then for the next 40 years dominate the world's trade markets with your nice products as part of the reparation benefits,just like the jackbooted bankers & businessmen marching through Europe.

Just do your pennance under the watchful eye of Uncle Sam & Britannia then re arm gradually.

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The Japanese defence force is an extension of the Police force, they are a major ally in the Pacific of the USA, they have been spending lots of money in the last 15 years as the Chinese are spending more on Chinese armed forces. If the UK was near China, I think the UK would be spending more on defence.

I am completely aware of the Japanese Constitution article 9 of Japan’s constitution stemming from the Potsdam Treaty after Japan's capitulation in WWII, that begins by stating "The Japanese people forever renounce war." It goes on to state that "land, sea and air forces, as well as other war potential will never be maintained." They have a fine fleet for a pascifist nation, that is what I was pointing out!. :mrgreen:


PS. If the Chinese did decide to attack, not much they or anyone else including the americans could do about it! :roll:

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