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Passing the buck?


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Surely you are joking Cleo as an occasionaly wack on the knuckles with a ruler would not really damage joints or cause long term effects only noticable in later years. Ok so if you were getting a wack every day of you school life I guess it may do. I guess some grown-ups reading your comment may now try to sue their old school teachers for the fact that their hands are not as nible as they once were. :lol:


I remember getting the odd non-expected wack on the knuckles at school (all in History lessons actually) and to be honest it served as a deterant... it made me jump a mile and blummin' hurt.


In answer to Obs question though 'do parents want teachers to do their job for them' well I'd say 'no' to that as the vast majority of parents do to try to contol their little poppets.


BUT (and I think it is a big 'but') if the kids are then in an unrully classroom where there is little discipline mainly because they/other kids begin to KNOW 'their rights' and think they can do what they like without consequence once they see and hear that the teachers can't do anything it makes the parents efforts even harder as it's like split rules.


Sooner or later the rebelious side may start to creep in more often as after all kids spend a big proportion of their day in school.


I'm not saying that teachers should be allowed to just hit kids of course but I see no harm in bringing back the cane etc.


On the other side of the scale is the fact that teachers aren't even allowed to put an arm around an upset child as this also seen to be 'against the rules' probably because of the fear of idiot classing that as 'indecent' or something ridiculous.


I really wouldn't like to be a teacher though especially with older kids as they seem to get walked all over by some pupils.

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I cannot believe you got a rap on the knuckles Diz, I had you down as someone who arrived first to class :D:wink:


Errrm board dusters hearled at me too Lt K... had to sand quite a few desks down for writing on them (again History lessons) and yes I did lock the odd supply teacher in the store cupboard too and hid in the understairs cupboard in the teachers only stairwell to skive the odd lesson or two.:oops:


All harmless fun of course and I never really overstepped the mark and I was never rude or disrespectful to the teachers.


OMG I may be in soooo much trouble know :shock:

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He was 10 years old at the time dizzy. The teacher had left the classroom and, as kids do, some of them got to larking about and making a noise. When she came back she asked who had been making all the noise and my adopted son was the only one who owned up, so he was the only one who was punished. When he returned home after school he was unusually quiet and when asked what was wrong began crying because his hands were still red, hurting and he could not move his fingers. His dad, enranged, went straight round to see the headmaster, told him what had happened and asked him why in Allah's name had a grown woman hit a 10 year old child so hard and he told him in no uncertain terms that if the teacher concerned was not removed from the school then he would smash every window in the school then he would get her and give her a good hiding. The teacher was never seen at the school again.

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I have a little pain in my left hand just near my thumb that feels like I’ve just burnt myself. I’ve had it forever so it’s something that’s just there but it’s never a real issue. Doc says it may be a damaged nerve sending some crazy signals to the brain but who knows. I did get the cane at school one time (for something I didn’t do BTW) and it was on that hand. I suppose I could claim that that was the cause, but I seriously doubt it.


If in a world of corporal punishment at schools either of my kids misbehaved to such an extent as to be punished this way then I’d tend to have a little bit of faith in the teachers judgement of the situation. If I didn’t trust the teaching staff then I’d take the kids to a different school. Too many take the attitude that they don’t even want to know what the kid did to merit punishment they just want the person handing out the punishment to be punished themselves and that’s totally wrong (IMO)


Bill :)

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Not that simple Bill. Depends on the situation. Here there is only a school for primary and a school for senior children. Two schools in the village. Travel to the next village school for a 10yr old? no way jose!

And in this case the teacher was so obviously in the wrong and went overboard, leaving aside the fact that only one child was punished for a misdemeanor committed by several children, visciously beating a young boy, less half her size and age, on his hands. The headmaster also thought that as he instantly dismissed her from the school.

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I’m not going to get into any argument with you over this Cleo because this is a personal issue between you and an individual who in this instance isn’t here to defend themselves. But, if the father threatened violence against both the school and the teacher concerned though, then nothing you can say is going to surprise me.


Like the avatar BTW 8)


Bill :)

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I'm not out to surprise you, just stating facts and yes his father threatened violence in the heat of the moment, being a hot blooded Egyptian, but I should think so would any father after seeing the state of his childs' hands. No one cam condemn the man considering the state of his young son's hands after what that woman did to him. Anyway, the headmaster was well aquainted with him and knew he was blowing hot air and calmed him down and agreed that the punishment was too severe and unneccesary and he was most apologetic.

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