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Rioting in London?


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Seems the Police allegedly shot a guy in N/London, and folk crowded round the local police station demanding answers - and it all kicked off from there. But don't we have an IPCC that will investigate the incident in order to establish the facts and provide those answers - and don't these folk in London realise that that takes time? :idea::shock:

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1. This guy had a gun on the streets - illegal.

2. This guy points a gun at a policeman - illegal.

3. This guy pulls the trigger and shoots a policeman - illegal.

4. This guy must have suffered from suicidal tendencies, he would have been better to have placed the barrel of the gun in his mouth, blown his brains out and saved everyone a lot of trouble and expense.

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That area is particularly volatile and the community don't feel their voice is being heard, but it seems that it was people from outside the area who traveled in just to cause trouble. This is an escalating problem, partly due to internet communication, when mobilisation of activists to anywhere is easy. You can be sure that anarchists are behind this, especially as it spread to other areas last night despite all the calls for calm.

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We have a potential problem raising it's ugly head over this one folks, on Sky news this morning they reported that the bullet lodged in the policemans radio may have been fired by a police weapon, if so, Ooops!

Still doesn't give the right for the guy to point a gun at a policeman.

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