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David Laws


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Unfortunately, this is due to the lingering stench of a corrupt expenses system revealed in the last parliament - so it's no surprise that some MPs are still tainted - as two thirds of these "tainted" MPs were re-elected by a "disgusted" electorate. The only way some semblance of public confidence will be restored, is by a root and branch purge of the present archaic system: EG; a 50% reduction in the number of MPs by merging constituences, getting the number down to around 300, and saving up to ?100million in the process: making the 650 odd "appointed" Lords redundandant, and replacing them with 100 "senators" elected proportionate to the vote at a General Election: scrapping ALL expenses, and providing all necessary office and second home facilities, staff and transport a provision of the State - thus keeping our politicians out of any dealings with their own remuneration or conditions. Having made this example and contribution to the "we're all in it together" austerity measures - we can then make a start on purging the Brussels gravy train! :wink:

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Thanks Kev......


but why are the press insisting on calling the bloke his "partner"? It's his boyfriend. Now that may not suit Mr Laws' requirements, but as the bloke is now a confirmed gay, he has boyfriends.


I don't call my wife; my partner, she is my wife. Before we were married she was girlfriend then fiance.


PC is a nonsense because instead of calling a spade a spade, you have to come up with 20 other ways of describing it but without actually calling it a spade

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Why would an MP take expenses from the public purse to pay for his partners rent, culd he have not paid for it out of his own vast wealth of millions?


Really do not care if he is on 'the other bus' to coin a phrase, the fact that he has the nerve to take money in the form of expenses!

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The problem was Sue: that under the last Thatcher Government, it was thought, correctly, that the public wouldn't condone a big pay rise for MPs; so they concocted a Mickey Mouse scheme to allow them to up their incomes via various expenses scams. Since then, they've all been at it, some in innocent conformity with a corrupt set of bent rules, ill administered by the Commons authority - hence the Telegraph revelations and the consequent scandal. The public were naturally disgusted and cynicism about politics and politicians is rife. imo, the only way to restore public confidence is a root and branch reform, which may require a completely new set of untainted players. :shock:

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